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Video Resources...
Recent Videos |
Historic Videos
video shots Major Stephen Court
A series of
20 short videos about doctrinal issues and to
strengthen your Christian walk of faith.
War College Video
"I am The War College"

All you need is love
1960's video
low resolution video |

Time Lapse video
Main & Hastings by day
(east Vancouver, BC) |

Harbourlight services
1960's video
resolution video |

Time Lapse video
Main & Hastings by night
(east Vancouver, BC) |

S.A. summer camps
1960's video
low resolution
video |

A cause to die for
...all Salvation Army soldiers
http://www.salvosmedia.com.au |

Emergency services
1960's video
resolution video |

A story to tell
Note: For Christian ministry purposes, a higher
resolution file is available for download.
High resolution,
very large file size, 162 MB
(right click, and choose 'save target as' option)
Medium resolution,
large file size, 45 MB
(right click, and choose 'target as' option)
If you download one of these files, please
send us an email, and tell us how you are using the
video. |

House of Concord
1960's video
resolution video

Services to Military
1960's video
resolution video |

Love has feet
by Regan Lipsett
(smaller files â
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 |

Lorne Greene promo
1960's video
resolution video |

by Kristen Ivany
She searched the internet for graphic images of both the
extreme need in the world and the Kingdom response. |

Services to Seniors
1960's video
low resolution
video |

One Thing
Band: Finger 11
Album: Finger 11
Song: One Thing

The War Cry
1960's video
low resolution
video |
Multimedia presentation available about the life story
of William & Catherine Booth
Blood & Fire is the life story of William and
Catherine Booth, founders of The Salvation Army. This
exciting journey in sound and drama features 38 gifted
actors portraying a multiple cast of 120 different
characters taken from the pages of over seventy years of
Army history. The handsomely packaged 3 CD set features
film quality sound design and an original orchestrated
score. |

S.A. images
1960's video
low resolution
video |

Tunic On?
Every soldier should keep their tunic on...
(a classic from the
USA Western Territory)
Video - General Booth automobile campaign
From one end of
England to the other, 1200+ miles by motorcar in 1904
(with thanks to Switzerland Territory)
Video - Founding of The Salvation Army
1878, from the
Mission' to
'The Salvation Army'
(with thanks to
Switzerland Territory)
Video -
William Booth
funeral procession
20 August 1912
"God's Soldier"
(with thanks to
Switzerland Territory)
part 1
promo clip from 1999 USA Western Territory Youth
...let your feet be beautiful
for Jesus. |
part 2
highlights from 1999 USA Western Territory Youth
Audio Resources
Audio recordings of William Booth
Hear brief messages by the Founder, which are part of a
large audio collection online from Michigan State
Audio - "Don't Forget" by William Booth
>> listen
1898 Army
recording - Colonel John Lawley
The U.K. Salvationist reported how recordings of Colonel
John Lawley, have been discovered that date back to
February 12, 1898. |

gave a 'new sound' to Salvation Army worship and praise
back in the 1960's. Two of their songs, even made it onto
the regular radio hit list.
It's an open secret
released in 1964, made it to #32 on the singles chart
A starry night
released in 1964, made it to #35 on the singles chart

with Major George Clarke
A hundred years of war
Print Resources
card from
the Founder
from Australian Southern Territory

Leadership Training
by Peter Lublink
So you have been on the prowl trying to find the perfect, yet
affordable leadership resource to work through with your
congregation. Or maybe you had never thought of giving your
congregation and your young people a resource that deals
explicitly with leadership and you only stumbled across this
site by chance. Wherever you find yourself today I encourage
you to take a moment and read through some of what ONLEADERSHIP
is all about. First of all, it is a course that has been
designed to be engaging, practical, Biblical and best of all,
FREE. So there are no strings attached and no pressure to
purchase something.
download page
Writings from the Founders...
To my
General Booth wrote to his officers at the beginning of
the 20th century, to encourage them in the fight for
souls. His words are equally relevant today.
Six Resolutions
by William Booth at age 20
"Papers on Aggressive Christianity"
read the original works, written by Catherine Booth
(PDF file from www.sabooks.org.uk)
In Darkest England and the Way Out
The classic book written by William Booth
The Founder speaks of
First Principles and Dangers
fragmentary notes taken at a staff council that was held
in January 1893
To the Brethren and Sisters Labouring for Jesus
1869 letter by William Booth
'RATIONS' book
We want to stay close to Jesus. For some of us, that
requires GETTING close, first. For all of us, it demands
a daily dedication to God, time alone with Him in prayer
and with the Scriptures.
In The Salvation Army we call this essential discipline
RATIONS. Just as a military soldier gets daily
nutritional intake of food and drink to fuel his/her
military efforts for king and country, a salvation
soldier needs daily spiritual intake of PRAYER and the
WORD to fuel his/her spiritual efforts for the Lord.
The Salvation Army, U.K. Territory used bold posters
which put a graphic 'face' to suffering, Sept.1999

Light up more than your tree this Christmas
The Salvation Army Canadian Territory uses a graphic
image with a play on words to send a message during the
Christmas 2003 season.

Time to Shop
The Salvation Army Canadian Territory used an interesting
play on words to send a message during the 2002 Christmas
Reinventing the Movement
Available for free download at:
Commissioner Jim Knaggs wrote a provocative blog asking several
questions around the idea that it might be time to reinvent the
movement of The Salvation Army. Noland and Court applied
Alan Hirsch's missional DNA components to each of Knaggs's
questions and generated some possible futures for the Army.
Knaggs is right? General Paul Rader contributes the
insightful foreword to this challenging book.
Published by The Salvation Army, USA
Western Territory, 2016
Gospel Tract - "How to Find God"
by General William Booth
>view tract<
(this old gospel tract, has been re-formatted by Jonathan
Evans for use as an evangelism tool.)
One of the reasons converts in the early Army experienced
miraculous change in their lives is that they dealt with
sin before salvation. The popular tract that the
Army used in those days is called HOW TO FIND GOD. It
hammers sin.
Too often these days our converts are stuck in Romans 7
when they should be enjoying a holiness experience. If we
are faithful in walking sinners through these steps we
can avoid a lot of the issues that arise later.
We encourage you to print this tract off, make heaps of
copies, and use it with your friends. Although it seems
mechanical it is beneficial and could save you hours of
deliverance sessions and your convert years of a failing
Christian experience.
Let us know the victories at

1978 International Congress covenant |

1906 postcard of
Salvation Army IHQ |
Holiness Covenant
found in an old SA Ceremony Book
Is there such a thing as safe sin?
advertisement placed in USA Today
by Middleton Bible Church in August 2003

'Bible & bread' photo
taken using 1896 KJV Bible
& whole grain bread |
Doctrines Poster
created by Rebecca Austin of the Revolution session of
The War College |

Map of S.A. Emergency Responses |
| |