JAC Online

Praying At Noon
by Major Rob Reardon

From our earliest days as a movement, it was the expectation for Salvationists worldwide to intercede on behalf of the General each day at noon. While this is more less an Army tradition, it holds deep biblical support. The imperative is given in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 17: “Brothers and sisters, we ask you to respect those who are working with you, leading you, and instructing you. Think of them highly with love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. Pray continually.”


These verses are used by Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, as she calls the Army world to prayer for the leaders who will be called to the High Council in May of this year for the purpose of electing a new General of The Salvation Army. Beyond this important call, however, these words from the apostle Paul to the church in Thessalonica are a reminder to us all that we are to keep our spiritual and ecclesiastical leaders at the top of our prayer lists because of the highly important role they play in our lives. Without our spiritual leaders, we would be like leaves on an autumn tree, barely attached to the branch through which we draw our spiritual nourishment. To this end, our prayers for them, in all respect and love are to be for their perseverance to the Gospel and their own strong connection to the true vine, Christ Jesus.


In John 15, Jesus paints for us a word picture that provides vivid detail to the vine and branch imagery. This is the hope we should have for our Salvation Army leaders – that they remain in Christ so that he will remain in them, thereby spiritually enabled to produce fruit that is long-lasting and lifegiving. We are the beneficiaries of such leadership. As Salvation Army leadership convenes during those sacred days in May, would you join with fellow Salvationists, praying that the connection to the true vine is so deep and inextricably linked that our leaders would be able to, as Jesus says, “ask anything [they] want, and it will be given…” (John 15:7). We recognize that when truly connected to the vine, our leaders will not be asking for anything born of their own will, or even of their constituents, for that matter, but the will of the Father, who knows exactly what the Army needs and what the world needs of his Army in these days.


Would we all be so connected to the vine so that we could pray along with our poet General, Albert Orsborn:

All my work is for the Master,

He is all my heart’s desire;

O that He may count me faithful

In the days that try by fire!

(SASB #672)


May that also be the prayer of our leaders as they follow Christ and lead The Salvation Army!


If you would like to join thousands of Salvationists online in prayer for the General of The Salvation Army, you’re invited to join this special Facebook group that has been actively praying for successive Generals since 2011 - <link to Facebook group>


















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