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From Here... To Eternity
by Commissioner Joe Noland


I know, I know, not very original. Wait! Hear me out. The title of the film is taken from Rudyard Kipling’s 1892 poem, “Gentlemen-Rankers,” about soldiers of the British Empire who had “lost their way” and were “damned from here to eternity.”


The story is one of lust, deceit, betrayal, and murder. Its protagonist is a lowly private who loves the Army. He ends up being destroyed by the thing he loves. The antagonist is his commanding officer, holding the rank of Captain, and a true company man obsessed with power, and the advancement of his career. He makes life miserable for the private.


Throughout the story, rank, position, and protocol become all-consuming. The institution and its hierarchy take precedence over the mission. When the institution and its trappings became more important than the mission, then we are “damned from here to eternity.”


Do parts of this story sound familiar? Every well-intended mission movement approaches a crisis moment, or perhaps a series of crisis moments—the “here” moment in “from here to eternity.”


These “here” moments represent the potential dividing line between a movement and an institution.


It’s no longer “from 1865 to eternity.” It’s “from HERE to eternity.” To change the future, we must change the present. Change is the difference between life and death (damnation). Be it within an organization, or an individual.


At this crisis moment, ‘HERE,’ we hold the future in our hands. The life of this Army is in our hands. The life of this movement is in our hands. Every person we touch (in our hands) becomes a matter of life and death.


Knowing this, let us move forward unselfishly, unhesitatingly, fearlessly, and creatively. Let us move forward, “from here to eternity,” with vision and holy boldness. Amid a changing world, let us proclaim a changeless Christ who is, paradoxically, the Creator of all change.


He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us [changing us], his Spirit deeply and gently within us. -Ephesians 3:20-21 MSG


Change challenges (disrupts) the status quo…


Stagnation is the window to never.

Change is the doorway to forever.


But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 3:13-14












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