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Circles of Influence
A Creative Template for Prayer

by Lieut.-Colonel Richard Munn


God seems to work in certain discernable and recognizable patterns.  From the stunning cadence of the seasons to the remarkable biological similarities in His creatures, yes, our God is a God of aesthetic stencil and order.


This also appears to be so in the meta-narrative of Scripture.  For instance, He seems to delight in revealing His power in the motif of death and resurrection – the Valley of Dry Bones, Lazarus and supremely in Jesus.  He communicates His essence in Light – the opening act of Creation, His guidance in the wilderness, and most sharply in Jesus, the Light of the World. 


One of these divine patterns appears to be expanding circles.  The overall sweep through scriptures moves from the solitary family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the people of Israel to all people of the world.  Jesus also applies the pattern working with a centrifugal force from the inner circle of Peter, James and John to the central 12 disciples to the greater 72 disciples. (Luke 10) 


I believe this can provide you and me with a pattern for prayer. 


Not that long ago the Lord worked on me for several successive months with beautiful and forceful grace, calling me to become more creative and more disciplined in prayer.  One of these outcomes was a template for prayer – Circles of Influence.  It is precious to me, and may be catalytic for you.


While the mould is objective, the pattern is yours – intensely so.  If you’re even moderately intrigued, complete the following inventory, and see how the final silhouette emerges. 


Let’s start smack-dab in the middle.


Personal Prayers – You have a personal relationship with God so it’s a natural place to pivot.  This is central to the whole pattern.  Even Jesus starts the expanding circle of His classic High Priestly Prayer (John 17) with prayers for himself. 


What does God continually seem to be revealing to you?

What grace energizes you?

What injustice grieves you?

What scriptures resonate with you?

What divine insight has stirred you recently?

What are the deep, immovable desires of your heart?


There is value to repetition, so form these responses into a sacred mantra.  For instance, God once gave me a simple – yet powerful – prayer:  ‘Increase my capacity to love.’ I say that many times a day; it does me good.


Prayers for Family – You have a primary area of influence with your family.  It is likely that you have a more naturally intense bond of love and conviction with this group of people than any other. 


It is here that we can start beginning to use an important principle to add bold brush strokes to your pattern – the concept of authority.  In Matthew 8 Jesus remarks on the muscular faith of the Roman centurion, who stuns Jesus with this perceptive observation:


‘Just say the word, and my servant will be healed.  For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, 'Go,' and he goes; and that one, 'Come,' and he comes. I say to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it.’


A helpful way of phrasing this in prayer might be ‘By the authority given to me under Christ I extend my faith on behalf of ….’ 


You have unusual and singular authority as a family-member to bring your kin to the throne of Christ.  This is yours to be used. It is a sacred trust and should not be ignored or discarded or treated casually.  My delight is to pray protective prayers for my wife and children; and prayers of honour for my parents.


Name your spouse – call her blessed (PR 31); call him righteous (PS 112)

Name your Children – Deuteronomy 6

Name your Parents – 10 Commandments

Name your Siblings

Name your In-laws

Name your Nieces and Nephews

Name your Cousins

Name your Patchwork Family


Wow!  I suspect you have quite a list.


Prayers for Leaders – You and I may have authority, but you know we are also under authority.  ‘You gotta serve somebody’ sang Bob Dylan, with sharp insight.  So, it does us good to bless those who shoulder leadership, and, of course, it will likely grace them.  Besides that, the gospel injunction is to pray for our leaders.


Naming our leaders in prayer is a gift of respect and support, it keeps us humble, is a reminder that our leaders are human and is a balm during times of testing and disagreement.


Who are your leaders?  Who do you serve under?

Political and national

Denominational and church




Prayers for Colleagues – We also have influence with people right alongside us, those we likely interact with many times in any given week.  Such prayers can almost be quasi-clandestine; camouflaged agents of grace.  Here we tap into the principles of mutuality and synergy.  We energize the graces of unity and harmony.  Romans 12 provides a good couple of sacred contours:  ‘In honour preferring one another’ and ‘Not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought.’  Hmm … those two sentences alone add bracing dimensions.


Name your work colleagues

Name your corps colleagues

Name your ideological colleagues


Prayers for Friends Phileo love is a rich Biblical principle.  Jesus himself remarkably says ‘I have called you friends,’ and John powerfully taps into the concept where he repeatedly writes:  ‘Dear friends …’ (1JN 4) 


Our friends are God’s gift to us; they mediate His love.  Candidly, those of us who find comfort in our self-constructed portable walls should probably be especially grateful that we are ‘befriended.’


Name your friends


Prayers for Areas of Ministry Influence – You probably have an area of designated influence, even authority, in ministry.  It is likely a formal assignment. This is yours to exert with great care, humility and confidence.  For instance, if you are a Youth Worker, nobody can quite pray with the zeal, knowledge and insight for those kids than you.  If you are a musical leader, you know the members of that ensemble like nobody else and can pray for their effectiveness and well-being with unusual clarity.  The same goes for nursery class teacher, Corps Cadet Leader, Home League Secretary, Corps Officer, Divisional Commander etc and etc.


You were likely given that sacred task in a rite-of-passage, before a community of faith.  As a consequence you have immense capacity for influence in prayer; second to none, sacred authority in ministry.  Please, do not leave this authority lying about for any competing entity to pick up, because pick it up they will.


What are your specific ministry assignments?

Name your community of faith.

Who is in your Small Group?

What councils, teams, boards or committees are you on?


Prayers for Geographic Regions – You and I are inhabitants of a simultaneously dark and beautiful world, and that can mean a global influence in prayer.  Jesus said it – we would be his witnesses ‘to the ends of the earth.’


Certain regions, cities and towns are undoubtedly especially near and dear to us.  We have inherent passion and ‘authority’ as a consequence.  Try this for a marker:


Name your turf – the land of your birth, the rock from which you are cut

Outline your geographic life history – your ‘boundary lines’ (Psalm 16)

What are your ‘special places?’ – Neighbourhood, city or region

Where are your supernatural burdens and/or passion?

Do you have any specific callings? ie. a country wracked with conflict

Name the regions that break your heart?


Final Thoughts – Craft your own style here, your imprint or logo, so-to-speak, on this rippling template.  Here are mine:


I pray for young leaders – the Timothy’s who will one day lead us

I love to pray for those I have had the privilege to lead to Christ

I pray for the appointments we have served over the years

I pray for ministry assignments before us


This is a continually evolving assignment – it is never truly completed.  This gives extra vibrancy to such praying.  Sometimes the Lord will even give release from certain assignments, a ‘mission accomplished’ seal.


So, go to it prayer warriors!  Spread out and make a splash!








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