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Show the Light; Share the Choice
by Judah Strickland

“I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”

Acts 26:17b-18



“I’m sending you”


“Open the eyes of the outsiders”


Who’s going to tell the outsiders? Who’s going to tell the people on the margins. Who’s going to tell the alone, the hurt, the different than- who’s going free them?


Jesus did. He died on the cross for their Sins; He defeated death and the devil, proving the power of the one true God, and giving us a choice in choosing what is good and evil for ourselves, or in trusting our creator.


But He doesn’t make the choice for us.


Tell them what?


Open their eyes to see the light, and the dark. The outsiders have seen the dark. They’re stuck in it. What they need to see is the light. They need to see the door out. The Emergency exit sign that’s lighting up.


“And choose God”


Show them the door out. You need to dive under the waters to save a drowning person. They need to choose life. You can’t make that choice for them, God won’t make that choice for them.


You can’t push them through that door. You can just show them the way out.


You can’t force someone to be saved. You can just clear the choices to them. Clear the fog that has been spread on what is good and evil.


“Present My offer of sins forgiven, and a place in My family”


Show them the choice, red pill or blue pill, the dark or the light, drowning or on dry land.


A place in my family. Show them the community of the Harvest. Show them the family of believers that fight sin. Show them the strength of the Body of Christ. Show them the choice.


“Real living by believing in Me”


The only way to live real, true, pure life is to believe in Jesus.


God is sending you to free people, to break the chains, to heal the sick, to cast out demons-to give them a choice.


People who are stuck, who think that there is no way out. Show them a way out. Give them a choice. Offer them to join the family of Christ.


People feel alone and hurt. How will accepting God’s love change them? This is why we show them the family, the love that is God.


People feel that there is no way out, so show them The Way, The Truth and The life.


We need to show people Jesus. God is sending you, so you'd better get ready. Are you ready to preach, pray, or die at a moment’s notice for God? If we don’t show people the light, they may never see it.


Paul was a tent maker. God didn’t call him to be a minister, He called him to tell people about Jesus. No matter what we do for work, God wants us to choose a lifestyle not a job, choose the mission. God wants us to choose Him.


There are real dangers to sharing this choice. Jail, death, attacks, persecution, all of which Paul experienced as he lived out the choice. if this happens to you, you just know you’re doing it right.


Because we serve a God who breaks prison doors, so we don’t fear getting locked up. We serve a God who was stood strong despite attacks, so we don’t fear them. We serve a God who defeated death. The God who came back to life again, and took the power from death, to life. So we don’t have to fear death.


Richard Wurmbrand was a Romanian priest who was arrested for preaching the Gospel in his Communist Country. He was thrown into solitary confinement, with no windows, lights or sounds (the guards wore soft shoe soles for this purpose) but every night would communicate via Morse code to the other inmates, preaching to them about Jesus.


Wherever Paul was he told people about Jesus. Stranded on an island, stuck in a prison cell, on home arrest, in Jewish communities and in gentile ones. He was a Jesus follower first, and everything else second.


Wherever we are we can tell people about Jesus.


 God is sending us. Let’s get ready. Let’s share the choice wherever, whenever. Sometimes it means preaching on a street corner, but other times it means have conversations with people, asking if you can pray for them and following it up with offering the choice. Sometimes it’s discussion with friends about Jesus.


Let’s go show the light, share the choice wherever we are, in whatever way God gives us room.


Jesus is sending you.


We might not be sure how yet, and that’s okay.


But right now let’s take a moment to pray, let’s circle up and pray.

Yahweh fill our hearts and minds. Please inspire and guide us. If now is the moment, send us.








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