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A Prayer for the High Council
by Captain Nana Fatouma Togo



Dear Heavenly Father:


Receive glory and honor for the ministry of Your servants, General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, for all these faithful years of services in Your vineyard. We pray for Your continuous divine presence in their farewell meeting and after retirement. May You renew their strengths each and every day in Jesus’ name.


We pray for the chief of staff, Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham as he presides over the opening of the High Council until the election of the President: Lord be his wisdom.

I want to thank You for choosing each member of the coming High Council.

We pray in Jesus’ name, our Lord and Saviour, as they are preparing to get together for the election of the next General, may they constantly remember that their bodies are Your indwelling temple to bring glory into Your name.


Heavenly Father, You know them by their names and circumstances. We uplift them before Your throne of grace. Keep each of our leaders, bless them both with spiritual and physical health, let no diseases hinder the smooth running of the electoral process.


Faithful God, fill their months with testimonies on Your divine intervention, spiritual renewal throughout the whole process in Jesus’ name.

Father, we pray for spiritual discernment for a God-fearing new General who will not compromise with this world patterns and systems in leading the Army worldwide.


Thank You, heavenly Father, for choosing the man or women according Your own heart, born of Your will to lead Your Army for the next coming years.




Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the gift of a family.


As Your servants are planning to move out of their different families for Your kingdom business, we bring all their family’s members before Your throne of grace.


Lord, protect them against any evil calendar. May You please keep them safe and healthy. May You provide to their needs and grant them Your peace. May they be continuously in Your presence, today and for ever more. May they know more of You as their best friend, Saviour, and Everlasting Father.




Lord, we pray for the well-being of the members of the High Council, that they may abide constantly in You.


We pray that they will be subject to Your will, Lord, we confess that without You they won’t achieve anything, but with You they will do great things for the benefits of Your army. Please keep them rooted in You.




Gracious, Loving, and Patient Father, thank You for the daily sufficient portion of Your patience we are benefitting. We pray for Your chosen HC members to have grace-filled loving and patient hearts. May they never rush into decision but wait upon You. Grant them the assurance of Your presence with abundant patience to hear Your voice. To You we commit them; help them to execute Your will.




Loving Father, as You showed us by example leaving Your glory and coming in human flesh, we pray for the High Council members that they may have the same sentiments that were in Christ. Help them not to be selfish but to seek Your leading. May their desires, will, and thoughts decrease that You may be increased. Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done in Jesus’ Name!



Captain Nana Fatouma Togo

Regional Secretary for Women’s Ministries/Mali Burkina Faso Region


















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