A Greater ... Is Here
Major David Laeger
Rest, O my soul,
enter Shabbat,
the Kiddush of the soul has come again –
the lesser labor days have reached an end;
flesh-impulses on this sacred day rescind;
the creature seeks what They intend:
He who is greater is here -
the weary soul will mend.
“… the Son of Man is Lord, even of the Sabbath.”
“… GREATER THAN THE TEMPLE ...” (Matthew 12:6)
Praise, O my soul,
Hekhal of Israel,
forms the tri-fold house of man –
the essence of the temple span,
where conscience light reveals what life must ban;
where nourishment of mind and heart began;
where worship’s fragrance must ascend.
“… your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit …”
“… GREATER THAN JONAH …” (Matthew 12:41)
Rise, O my soul,
hear the Haftarah of Yom Kippur –
remember God’s command to preach
from prophet-shadows of the Savior’s reach;
of Jesus Christ whose Passion healed the breach
between the Lord and us, yes, to us each.
“… so shall the Son of Man be …”
“… GREATER THAN SOLOMON …” (Matthew 12:42)
Learn, O my soul,
learn the Covenants of Torah,
to find the knowledge of the holy -
the Bereshith of life and messianic hope;
the Fount of Wisdom’s purest scope;
the Homily of Life beneath the Sun;
the Song of Love from Yahweh’s Chosen One.
“.. He opened the Scriptures to us …”
Stay, O my soul,
Shekinah Glory
shines afresh through trust and gives new life -
when evening dusk turns to midnight fright;
when darkening vales malform what’s right;
when fleshly impulse causes loss of fight;
when speech betrays one’s deeper sight.
“… He that is in you is greater….”
Shabbat - the Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, a reminder
of the Creator’s rest
Kiddush – morning and evening blessing over meals, and at
festivals; it means “sanctification”
Hekhal – the Holy Place of the Temple; the temple is the
building/body housing this room and the Holy of Holies/(place
of God’s residence; the realm of the spirit, innermost room of
the soul, brought to life when God comes in through
Haftarah – the Prophet portion of Scripture, read coinciding
with a portion from the Torah.
Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement
Torah – the Law, but may also refer to all of the Hebrew
Bereshith - Genesis
Shekinah – the glorious manifested Presence of God