Interview - Commissioner Harry Read
J.A.C.: please
tell us about your background, how you came to know Jesus, and
how you came to know The Salvation Army.
H.R: I have a
Salvation Army background. Grandfather Read then in his late
30s was converted under the ministry of James Dowdle.
‘Fiddler’ (he played the violin!) Dowdle was sent by WB to the
north of England to win converts and open Mission Stations
(this was pre 1878). In a small town on the north side of the
River Tees called Hartlepool Grandfather became converted.
Shortly after that, he moved to a small town called South Bank
which, as its name suggests, is on the southern bank of the
My grandfather
was born in 1838. Following his marriage he had a fairly large
family and his wife died. Grandfather re-married and my father
was the only child of the second marriage. Grandfather was 57
when my father was born. I add this trivia in case you are
puzzled by the time frame.
After 38 years
service as the Corps Sgt Major Grandfather retired from that
position. He died in 1924. This was the year of my birth.
In the 1930s my father became the Corps Sgt Major until
his untimely death in 1943. My mother who, as a teenager
became a Salvationist was from a non Army family but, after
her conversion, other family members became soldiers.
Obviously, I grew
up in the Army joining the Singing Company and YP Band, but
was never an enthusiast.
Al-though I had good friends in the Army, my main
friends happened to belong to the Methodist Church. After much
persuading, and with serious reservations, my parents al-lowed
me to leave the Army and join the Methodist Church. Shortly
after WW2 commenced I had a conversion experience and, since
one of my older friends was a Methodist Local Preacher I made
a similar application and, in 1940, aged 16, I became a ‘Local
Preacher on note’. This meant that a much older Local Preacher
would mentor me and I would accompany him to his Sunday
preaching engagements, read the Bible passages for him, lead a
hymn or two but, in the main, allow myself to be influenced by
this wise, godly man whom I liked and respected immensely.
I volunteered for
military service aged 18 in 1942. I would have done so earlier
but, understandably, my father re-fused to sign the essential
document. He had been twice wounded and hospitalised in WW1,
my older brother was a commissioned officer in The Royal
Artillery. My older sister was in the Womens’ Auxiliary Air
Force and my father reckoned that was enough.
Aged 18 I didn’t
need parental permission to enlist but, because of his
insistence, instead of joining the infantry, I joined the
Royal Signals in September 1942 to become a Wireless Operator.
I volunteered for the Paras early in 1943 and, when my
Wireless Training was completed in May 1943, I joined the 6th
Airborne Division. I parachuted into France at 0050 hrs on D
Day. For years I thought the landing time was 0120 hrs but the
official history which I read long after the war ended is
clear: it was 0050 hrs.
During my
military service I still maintained my church links but,
though I never became ‘one of the boys’, I lost the sharp edge
of my faith. This I regret. If you want to know more of my
military service there are refs to me on the web. Just type in
“Signalman Harry Read” and three addresses will appear. The
first, “The Second World War Experience Centre” gives a
transcript of an interview they set up with me. The other two
web addresses, having been given access to that typescript,
have edited it.
At the end of the
war I began seriously to consider what my future would be. In
those reflections I began to realise that I didn’t like what I
could become if I didn’t change. I sought the Lord afresh,
committed myself to him and applied to the Methodist Church to
be a Candidate for the ministry. My request was accepted and I
began a study-course in preparation for that.
In 1945 The Royal
Signals transferred me to the Orkney Islands where, in the
little town of Stromness there was no Methodist Church. I
attended a small Mission Church and learned of a Servicemen’s
Fellowship which I commenced attending. A couple of
Salvationists in the Fellowship spoke of the Corps in
Kirkwall, some 12 miles away which I began to attend. In 1946
I was posted to Edinburgh where I linked with the Methodist
Church coming under the supervision of the Minister. Since the
only Church that advertised a Saturday night meeting in the
local news-paper was the Salvation Army I attended their
Saturday night meeting doing so regularly and, although they
knew I was working towards the Methodist Ministry, I was made
welcome. The CO told me of some large meetings being held in
Glasgow suggesting that I might enjoy them so I attended, and
it was during those meetings that I realised God was calling
me to Officership, not the Methodist Ministry. I arranged an
interview with my Methodist Minister to share this with him.
He was not unduly impressed, after which I became a soldier in
the Edinburgh Gorgie Corps: this was June 1946.
I was demobilised
from military service in June 1947 and entered the Kings
Messengers Session at the ITC in Au-gust of that year.
J.A.C.: What is
the most significant part of your war fighting today?
H.R.: Early in
my officership I realised I had the gift of encouragement.
This has been a major factor in my ministry through the years,
no less so in retirement.
The poetry – I
don’t consider myself to be a poet, rather do I think of
myself as a versifier – is important, but I’m sure that, if my
verses were studied, they would be ad-judged to be part of my
ministry of encouragement.
In this ministry
I affirm people; gently challenge them to live up to their
potential and give as much support as I can for them to live
the life of faith.
Almost as an
aside: my daughter thought I should have a Facebook page and
set it up for me. Because she was a widow working at DHQ she
visited me regularly and maintained the FB page for me. When
she remarried – she and her husband are now the DCs in our
London North East Division – her visits obviously dwindled
dramatically. I wondered whether I should close my FB page
and, when I looked at it decided I would, but the Lord seemed
to be saying that I could find a ministry through it and I
think I have. I think you will notice from my contributions it
is all encouragement. I like your contributions very much I
might add. You, obviously, have this same ministry mindset.
J.A.C.: What was
your most challenging appointment? Why?
H.R.: We were
appointed from the College to IHQ where I functioned as ‘The
Press Officer and Director of Information Services’. It was an
important job, and paid rich dividends in the end, but it
stood outside of my gift range, and was, therefore, hard,
albeit fruitful work. I was glad when we moved from there to
be DCs because field work is my natural element.
J.A.C.: What was
your most influential appointment? Why?
Difficult to answer. Win and I served 18 years in all
on the College Staff. If you know the old structure, I was 7
years a Sectional Officer: for a youngish man, the best
appointment imaginable. Then back to the Field as CO and DYS.
Back again to the College as Field Training Officer followed
by 3 years as the Second Side Officer then to IHQ as Press
Officer etc. Following this we became the DCs of the
marvellous Nottingham Division, then back to the College as
Principal. They were rich years indeed. In 1981 we were
appointed to Canada where I was the Chief Secretary. I may not
have done much for Canada but Canada did much for me and then,
as if Canada wasn’t enough of rich blessing, we were appointed
to Australia East as TCs! With experience of both Canada and
Australia my cup was truly running over.
But it didn’t end
there! Our mutual friend General Eva phoned inviting me – if
that’s the right word – to be the British Commissioner! I knew
it was to be a demanding last appointment, and it was, but it
was more than challenging: it was exhilarating with fulfilment
to match my dreams. What a privilege! What joy!
Others must be
left to evaluate my ministry and that of my darling wife, but
though we faced the immense difficulties inherent in an
increasingly godless society and a decreasing Church – and
Army – we had a wonderful time. God has been so good to us.
J.A.C.: What is
your most important legacy for the Kingdom?
H.R.: This is not
a question I can answer. Like all TCs, I’d like to think I
left the territory in better shape than I found it. A
territory more ready for growth: buoyant, optimistic,
confident in the Army’s soul-winning aims: a territory with a
sharpening focus on the faith-aims of a faith-born movement,
but only other people can be the best judges of that.
J.A.C.: What are
your dreams for The Salvation Army?
H.R.: I’d like us
to keep our Army distinctives. I have no problems with
describing ourselves as part of the Church be-cause that’s
what we are but, we are an Army. I think we do the church
thing less well than the churches do it, but when we do the
Army thing properly, we are without equal.
In today’s
western world, I don’t hanker after the scenes from our
beginnings that still stir our hearts, because society has
changed irreversibly and governments wouldn’t al-low us
freedom to, for instance, repeat the initiatives that created
our social services. But I do long for us to be an Army of
faith, with programmes born in prayer, powered by faith and
fulfilled in love.
I long for us to
have the spontaneity, joy, mutual regard and ‘family’ identity
of our earlier days. The past is wonderful and cannot be
replicated but the essence of those days is timeless. Here and
there we see that essence being expressed and we are moved
accordingly. O that that was the norm rather than the
If only we could
persuade every Corps that it has a bright future! Even the
smallest Corps which, in the will of God is not meant to be a
small Corps, has a first step in faith to take.
That first step may be nothing more complicated that
the CO gathering his/her small number of saints together to
plead with the Father to identify the next step. Undoubtedly,
the next step would become apparent and then the next and so
on. Our Lord didn’t come to earth to launch mediocrity. The
Spirit didn’t give life to let it wither on the branch. We
give up too easily.
With the other
churches, we have done that terrible thing: we have allowed
the most exciting event in all creation to become common
place; an irrelevant option; a divine intervention that leaves
masses of needy people dismissive of God’s existence, not
merely his claims. I thank God for the Army: its existence is
one of his great miracles. He has done so much through us.
Numerically we are not dramatically strong but we always punch
be-yond our weight. Our achievements are amazing. People
expect so much from us because of our reputation; a reputation
that is not due to clever publicity but because we deliver. I
thank God also for the new emphases on prayer, certainly in
this UK territory, and for the serious attempts being made to
relate to our various communities. Without doubt, new
initiatives are improving our work and witness. What I add in
this section, therefore, is not intended to be a criticism I’m
too grateful for all that is being done to play the part of
If, however, I’m
allowed a ‘but’ it would be that, as an Army we are still
inclined to do the organisation thing: too much ‘top – down’,
stuff. Instead, we should focus more on locally generated
initiatives and, working with the actual, as opposed to the
assumed, go for growth that way.
I think I dream
much the same kind of dreams about the Army as you and your
wife and Joe and Doris Noland.
I ought to add
that I am full of admiration for the way in which General
Linda is approaching the subject of the Army’s development. I
have a dream that takes in the churches as well as the Army.
In our western world, at least, we have been driven on the
back foot by the growing forces of atheism. Articulate and
prestigious atheists, operating in a society where the media
is almost totally atheistic, our institutions, political
groupings, education, health services, welfare and industrial
organisations are all similarly driven. Atheists are always
given a prominent platform by broadcasters and editors. These
platforms we are denied.
We have
brilliant, highly qualified scientists, physicists,
mathematicians and the like who can argue most persuasively
for Christianity but, though their work is published, it
languishes for lack of public exposure.
My dream is that,
perhaps stimulated by the Army, the churches will combine
their resources to make a sustained intellectual challenge to
the forces of atheism. We need to set up a united council to
determine the right approach then do a massive PR job in
putting atheism on the back foot where it rightly belongs.
Our voices are
muted to the detriment of the Gospel. We need the public at
large to hear the strong, reasonable-ness of our Christian
faith in God. Making this happen will cost money, but money is
the least of our considerations.
J.A.C.: Who has
been most influential in shaping you into who you are today?
You mean on the human level I suppose? I’m the product
of a godly family. I was very close to my older brother who
was a superb role model. I was at the sharp end of one of
biggest and costliest battles in WW2. Some historians say that
we who occupied that position had casualties to equal those of
WW1. Certainly, in my section, of the less than a hundred men
who made up the group, only 25 of us came back. That
experience has helped to shape me.
At the Training
College I met and married a lovely and remarkable lady. Win
was hugely gifted and deeply spiritual. Together we helped
nourish and shape each other into what we were to become. You
can take your pick of the above and might decide that what I
am is the product of all three.
J.A.C.: What
books have influenced you most?
H.R.: In my very
early twenties I was introduced to the work of the English
poet Robert Browning. His spiritual insights have always
blessed me. I bought his complete works printed in a number of
pocket sized volumes. When I travelled, more often than not,
it was with Browning. Over and above the more serious stuff I
had to read, I al-ways had a biography on the go to bless and
inspire me but, in my younger days, C S Lewis was a living
legend and his books gave my faith a great deal of substance.
However, the book
that gave my spiritual life wings was written by a Quaker,
Thomas R Kelly entitled, A Testament of Devotion. He spoke to
my heart as a young man and has never ceased to do so since.
J.A.C.: Can you
tell us of the most memorable campaigns and meetings in which
you were involved, and their impact?
H.R.: Our second
field appointment was very hard. There had been spectacular
growth under the leadership of one couple and spectacular loss
under their successors. It took us a year to stabilise things
but in the succeeding year we witnessed growth again.
We were then
moved to another Corps in the Division – one of those Corps to
which no one wanted to be appointed. In the new situation it
was born in on me that a better way of growing a Corps was
through faith. True, we had to work hard but faith was the
It was the custom
in the UK for every Corps and Centre to have a campaign during
the first week in November. DHQ always asked for plans. Such
plans were easy to submit and seemed to satisfy our DHQ. For
instance, Band Practice and Songster practice nights were
designated as Campaign meetings to which all were welcome and
the Sunday titles were easy enough to create.
The Lord gave me
a burden for this which my wife happily shared. We would call
our campaign, a Faith Campaign. We would try to carry the
Corps comrades along so that they would pray for family and
friends. The climax of the week would be a powerful play
written by Commissioner Alfred Gilliard and performed by Corps
To hold us to the
faith angle we would fix a meeting in the New Year when we
would enrol as soldiers, the converts from the Campaign. To
hold us even more firmly to the concept we would have a much
respected, well-known visiting officer conduct that meeting.
To tighten further the faith angle, in with the publicity for
the Campaign we would advertise the January enrolment meeting.
As you can imagine, some of the Local Officers gasped when I
launched this at a special Census Board meeting but, to their
everlasting credit, they got behind it. In the special
soldiers’ meeting we met with a similar positive response.
In the
preliminary heart-searching it seemed to Win and me that we
should aim for a specific number of 6 new soldiers. This, we
shared with the Corps folk though not in the advertising.
During the campaign we had a number of seekers who were family
and friends of Corps folk, especially those taking part in the
drama. On the enrolment night in January our visiting officer
enrolled 5 brand new soldiers and reaccepted a comrade back
into the fellowship whose name ought to have been removed from
the roll years before. Everyone was thrilled.
In the new spirit
of faith generated within this Corps that had been stagnating
and shrinking for years, we made 36 new soldiers in 18 months.
It was magnificent. After 18 months we were appointed to the
Training College but the work continued.
Faith really is
the key.
Cadets’ Campaigns
I loved (I can keep you going for a long time!!) we went to a
large Northern Ireland Corps. Arriving on the Friday evening
we started working in the town centre on Saturday with open
air mtgs. We had a fine welcome meeting which we followed with
a Pub Raid. In case you don’t know our drinking bars are
called public houses and, at the appointed closing times we
invited people to come to the hall for coffee and a mtg. It
was well-attended, boisterous at times but, in the end we had
two seekers. Not a bad start to a Campaign.
On Sunday, even
though the meetings were well-attended and powerful, there
were no seekers and this continued right through the week.
This was a situation quite outside my experience. As a brigade
we talked about it, prayed about but, at the beginning of the
final Sunday, apart from the two seekers in the pub raid,
there had been no seekers.
What a challenge
to our faith! Came the final Sunday Holiness Meeting and I
stripped everything possible out of the meeting to allow us
time to have a good prayer mtg. I re-call majoring on the
words ‘Prove me now’ (Malachi 3:11 AV) and doing something I
had never done before or in-deed since. At the end of my
address, in complete silence,
I walked down from the rostrum and, placing my open
Bible on the Mercy Seat said something like, ‘Here is the
challenge from God, are you willing to Prove Him – Now’? It
was as though the flood gates opened as people came to the
Mercy Seat. It was a long but glorious meeting. There was an
afternoon Praise and Testimony mtg – again with seekers. We
had the Salvation Meeting, the last meeting of the Campaign
and again, the Mercy was lined repeatedly.
The very last
seeker was a middle-aged man who had been the drummer in the
Corps but something had gone wrong and he became a backslider.
Someone had been speaking with him in the prayer meeting and
when he came forward there was such joy in the hall. When the
count was taken afterwards, there were 87 seekers on that
Sunday. The Cadet Sergeant who had shared the leadership of
the Campaign returned with me in the January, as per the
original plan, to enrol the converts won on the Campaign as
soldiers. It was tremendous! Faith is the key.
Some time after
the campaign, the Corps Band came to London on a specialing
engagement and I arranged to at-tend their Saturday night
festival. The drummer was the very man who was the last seeker
on the Campaign. He was full of joy. And so was I.
A few weeks ago a
name appeared on my Facebook page and I wrote her a note
saying, ‘Are you who I think you are?’ She replied by return
confirming she was one of the young Salvationists whose life
had been revolutionised on the campaign, and who is still
going strong in the Lord’s work.
J.A.C.: What is
God teaching you these days?
To trust more and to love more and to concentrate on
the essentials of salvation. To believe that we are among
those weak and foolish things of the world made strong by God.
To believe that the Army’s best days are ahead of us because
we are still part of his strategy for a fallen world.
He is teaching me
the absolute centrality of Christ to all that God has planned.
He is teaching me about the tenderness of his providence and
that, whatever happens in the days ahead, I can be confident
in him. He is teaching me that he is my heavenly Father.
J.A.C.: Who are
your heroes?
H.R.: Captain
James Cook was born not far from my birthplace. What a
navigator! What courage! What a man! In my reading and
imagination I’ve travelled every mile with him.
Captain Robert
Falcon Scott led an expedition to the South Pole hoping to be
the first to arrive there. He was beaten by the Norwegian,
Roald Amundsen. But Scott’s return journey, though ending in
his death and those of his colleagues, was an epic failure and
full of courage. I’ve travelled every mile with him also.
My heroes include
the founding fathers of our faith and the martyrs: ‘the blood
of the martyrs is the seed of the church’. I have many heroes,
men and women whose courage and faithfulness has moved me
My Salvation Army
heroes start with the Founder and include his granddaughter
Commissioner Catherine Bramwell Booth who captivated me during
the time I was the Press Officer. My heroes include
Commissioner Booth Tucker, Captain Harry Andrews, Commissioner
Herbert Lord, General F Coutts, Colonel Catherine Baird. Both
General Coutts and Colonel Baird mentored me without me
realising it in the early days, and not just the early days,
of my officership.
J.A.C.: What is
your most memorable spiritual experience?
H.R.: I have so
many deep spiritual experiences. Most of my prayer poems
represent an actual spiritual experience but I recall an event
from my military experience.
Having become
properly saved I had no difficulty in witnessing to my mates.
A parachuting injury invalidated me for further jumps and I
was returned to an ordinary signals unit. Ex paras were
allowed to wear their red berets and, of course, their wings
which probably meant that, in an ordinary unit, an ex para was
given a fair amount of respect, which meant that I had no
strong opposition to endure. Because I was planning to become
an SA officer I was al-lowed to use the office in which I
worked during the day as a study room in the evenings. One
evening the door opened and a Corporal whom I knew fairly well
came in to check what was happening. I was actually typing out
a short talk I was to give at the Corps the next Sunday. He
stood behind me and was obviously reading what I had typed.
Our conversation was therefore, on the content of my talk.
After many questions and much discussion the atmosphere became
such that I suggested that perhaps he should do something
about his need for God.
The result was
that we knelt at the office desk and I led my friend to the
Lord. The very first person I had ever led to salvation. Bill
Day, for such was his name, told one or two of his close
friends what had happened and it became common knowledge in
the camp. He came with me each Sunday to Gorgie Corps. The
YPSM and his wife used to take me to their home for meals on
Sundays and the Corps Sgt Major and his wife took Bill. They
were good for him.
The sheer joy,
exultation, of leading someone to the Lord is one of the
deepest spiritual experiences one can experience. Though all
subsequent similar experiences are wonderful there can only
ever be a first, and Bill Day was that for me. If only more
people could experience the sheer joy of soul-winning!
J.A.C.: Please
comment on the state of Aggressive Christianity in the 21st
century. How effective is primitive salvationism?
H.R.: I think it
is important that we should be reminded of our heritage in
this regard. Most churches probably move away from their roots
a little as the founding enthusiasts die and the church
becomes more organised. The changes too in society also
facilitate this toning down of zeal and its challenges. But we
do need to be reminded that the old way of getting saved is
the way folk get saved to-day. If we devalue our Mercy Seat
and decision-making emphasis we have, I think, devalued the
Army and weakened our witness. I like the work you are doing
to remind us all of the importance of the timeless values of
the past.
J.A.C.: Our first
General often wrote letters to his soldiers with teaching for
daily life and warfare. Would you take this opportunity to
offer a millennial message to soldiers around the world?
H.R.: To my
fellow soldiers, I believe our name, The Salvation Army, is an
inspired designation, born, not of human wisdom but of the
Holy Spirit. The armies of the world are massed against us
but, though powerful, they will be overcome. Faith, hope and
love are the abiding qualities and they are not in the
pos-session of the forces of evil.
I believe also in
the timelessness of the divine qualities that built our Army.
A changing society means that we have to adapt our programmes
and strategies to maintain our effectiveness, but the essence
of the Army, those divine qualities that created us, cannot be
dismissed or compromised. They are of God. The Army is of God.
The style may change but the aims and motives of our Movement
are unchanging.
I am proud of all
that our relatively small Army has achieved. God has used our
greatly gifted people to best advantage and we who are
ordinary confess that he has used our ordinariness wonderfully
well also. Each one of us has an important part to play in the
salvation war.
We have always
been an accepting and affirming company of God’s people. We
have also been a joyful, praising, cheerfully sacrificial
people: that we will remain.
What I hope we
will consider and develop is an awareness of those special
gifts of the Spirit given to each one of us whether we count
ourselves ordinary or unusually able.
I hope that,
within our regard for each other – our love for each other –
we will feel a measure of stewardship to-wards each
other if we do not already do so, so that we will actively
identify and encourage each others gifts. These gifts will
flourish in a truly supportive atmosphere and, employed with
confidence and wisdom will build up each Corps; build up the
Army; help build God’s kingdom. Within the competence of each
Corps there are gifts, sometimes unidentified which, when they
are known and released, will bring remarkable results.
The need to adapt
is self-evident and the best means of adaptation come from our
heavenly Father’s hands. He will not fail us. He also happens
to love the Army. Has he not chosen us to be his soldiers? Are
we not a vital part of his strategy?
May God richly
bless us all.
Harry Read – your
fellow soldier.