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From Here (Earth)...
by Captain Nana Fatouma

To death, I have decided to follow Jesus.


To live for him alone. Because he paid the highest price for me by giving out His life. As Paul, I have discovered that everything is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.


Jesus came to the world to seek for the lost. Therefore, whoever believes in him shall be saved.


Let us see together from Mark 1:40-45 the history of a leper man who encountered Jesus and how did he meet him?


A leper is a person suffering from leprosy. Leprosy is a serious disease, because the person afflicted was placed far from society. It was prohibited by Mosaic law to associate with a leper. This man needed to be saved from this disease. That's why he came to Jesus Christ and said, "If you want, you can make me clean".


Spiritually, we are lepers. This disease, leprosy, is sin in our lives. As the leper is separated from society, so the sinner is separated from God. Sin alienates us from God. We need to be saved from sin, and only Jesus Christ saves from sin John 1:29 says. As the leper came to Jesus Christ, believing that he was able to save him, so we too must believe in Jesus Christ to save us.


We said he came to save. He's full of compassion and doesn't turn anyone away. He sees everyone again and responds to everyone's desire. He saw the leper coming  to him. He received him, touched him (a gesture no one could dare to do, but Jesus Christ does it because he loves everyone) and answered the leper's prayer: "I do, be clean," he said. And instantly, the leper was cleansed.


Jesus Christ loves us as he loved the leper. He wants to save us as he saved the leper. He expects us to believe that he is able to do this in our lives; he expects us to trust him as the leper did. Jesus Christ wants to touch our hearts and cleanse us from sin. We also want to be saved from the sin that separates us from God. We have said that only Jesus Christ is able to do this; but we must come to him, by faith, and tell him our problem. He will save us.


In our lives, sin disturbs us, separating us from God. We need to be saved. The Savior is Jesus Christ. To be saved, we must believe in him.


Not only to the leper, but also to me and many others. You too, if you want to be freed from sin, come to Jesus, come with faith, you'll be restored and saved.











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