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Questions for Today - an addition to The Holy Club and the Test for Self-Examination
by Nicole Brindle

Do you know about John Wesley’s Holy Club, or perhaps the test for self examination found in the Orders and Regulations for Soldiers? If you frequent ArmyBarmy you may have read a blog about them early last month. Below I have copied those questions down for a refresher. They are a useful resource for accountability and discipline and something I have found personally helpful.

Because I am an ArmyBarmy frequenter I did come across said blog and I got inspired to make a little addition. The Holy Club questions were written over 200 years ago and the test for self examination I have included, (though some amendments have been made since), were published over 50 years ago, and there are just some things in today’s society that weren’t issues then.

Read through the first two sets of questions- then go on to the third. You might even want to print this page off and use it in your rations and/or accountability groups.

These questions are from John Wesley’s Holy Club which originated out of a spiritual accountability group he started when a student at Oxford:

1. Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am better really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
2. Am I honest in all my acts and words, or do I exaggerate?
3. Do I confidentially pass on to another what was told me in confidence?
4. Can I be trusted?
5. Am I a slave to dress, friends, work, or habits?
6. Am I self-conscious, self-pitying, or self-justifying?
7. Did the Bible live in me today?
8. Do I give it time to speak to me every day?
9. Am I enjoying prayer?
10. When did I last speak to someone else about my faith?
11. Do I pray about the money I spend?
12. Do I get to bed on time and get up on time?
13. Do I disobey God in anything?
14. Do I insist upon doing something about which my conscience is uneasy?
15. Am I defeated in any part of my life?
16. Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy, or distrustful?
17. How do I spend my spare time?
18. Am I proud?
19. Do I thank God that I am not as other people, especially as the Pharisee who despised the publican?
20. Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold a resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it?
21. Do I grumble or complain constantly?
22. Is Christ real to me?

And the following questions can be found in the Orders and Regulations for Soldiers 1950:

1. Am I habitually guilty of any known sin? Do I practice or allow myself in any thought, word or deed which I know to be wrong?
2. Am I the master of my bodily appetites so as to have no condemnation? Do I allow myself in any indulgence that hurts my holiness, growth, obedience, or usefulness?
3. Are my thoughts and feelings such that I wouldn't be ashamed to hear them published before God?
4. Does the influence of the world cause me to act, or feel or say things that do not show the love of God?
5. Am I doing all in my power for the salvation of sinners?
6. Am I fulfilling the vows and promises I have made before God in the past?
7. Does what I do as a Christian match what I say about being a Christian?
8. Am I conscious of any pride in my life?
9. Do I conform to the fashions and customs of this world or do I show that I despise them?
10. Am I in danger of being carried away with worldly desires to be rich or admired?

I don’t have a cool name like Holy Club or Test for Self-Examination for this set of questions, but have a read through them. These are not necessarily meant to be read everyday – just something to think about:

1. How is my integrity on the computer? Am I spending more time online then I am in fellowship with the Lord and with others? Do I clear history so others don’t see what sites I have visited?
2. Are my tattoo’s or piercing’s pleasing to the LORD? What are my motives for getting them?
3. Am I sponsoring a child?
4. Are my networking applications (iphone, twitter, facebook, blogs, myspace) causing myself or others to sin in word, action, thought or deed?
5. Would I let Jesus listen to all the songs on my iPod?.
6. Are my tweets evangelistic or prophetic or do they cause for gossip, self pity or for pride.
7. Am I tithing more then 10%?
8. Do I watch inappropriate youtube videos?
9. Do I skip past sex scenes or other inappropriate scenes in movies, or do I allow the ways of the world to influence me?
10. Do I put effort in buying Fair-Trade products or do I go for convenience too often?
11. Do my clothing labels read “Made in _____”? (<- insert poor nation here)
12. Do I love who I see in the mirror? (or for some, do I love who I see in the mirror too much?)
13. Do I drive when I should walk, bike or take transit?
14. Is there anyone whom I hold a grudge towards or bitterness against?
15. Am I sleeping too much or too little?
16. Am I eating too much or too little?
17. Has modern technology taken over how much time I spend in the Word?
18. Do I pray for my enemies?
19. Am I divorced?
20. Do I spend more time watching TV then I do in the Word?
21. Do the purchases I make on Credit Card honor the Lord?
22. Do I use email communication to replace human contact when applicable?
23. If Jesus had a mobile and all the text messages you sent also got sent to Him, would you still text as you do?






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