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JAC Interview with Lieutenant Andre Mere-Bara Togo


JAC: Who are you?

TOGO: I’m Andre Mere Bara Togo, an Officer of the Salvation Army with the rank of “Lieutenant”, serving as a Corps officer at Amanda’s in Concession, Chiweshe Division in Zimbabwe Territory.


JAC: Where are you from?

TOGO: I’m from Mali, West Africa.


JAC: What was your upbringing like?

TOGO: Born the seventh of a family of thirteen children, the life of my childhood was not comparable to that of a child from a modest family. Although my parents were very dedicated to properly educate their children, we literally always lived in extreme poverty. Especially toward the last days of my father, paralyzed by disease, he could no longer meet the daily needs of the family. Then I went to the market, improvising as a carpenter with a hammer at hand to repair the tables of shop keepers in order to receive in kind or in cash something to eat for my family. It even happened us of eating our own dog under extreme pressure of famine. I’m not exaggerating!

Despite this humiliating life situation, each morning and evening we had learned to pray on our knees, reciting the "Our Father" and the "Ave Maria." Poverty had become a virtue in my family and the life of Lazarus in the Bible was an ideal reference to relieve our condition. Little by little I began to love God and even to wanting to serve Him. Finally toward the age 13 I was admitted to the small seminary as seminarian in order to become a priest with the Catholic Church. Unfortunately this adventure ended a year later, following my unexplained dismissal from the seminary. All my hope had disappeared; that’s where I began to develop a deep hatred toward God, the church, and the priests in general.

Resolved of no longer having anything to do with Christianity, I was now attracted to Satanism, fetishism and regularly consulting “marabous” or charlatans. It was in this atmosphere that I met with Mr Gerard de Coursiere, French Astrologer, with whom I have spent long years of total bewilderment committing abominable sins. None, neither I nor my poor parents imagined that this man was an agent of the devil. If I had known, who he was, I could have never accepted his proposal of adoption. Later, I finally realized that it was God’s plan, so that my experiences served as a subject of glory and testimony.

God is God, He does what He wants, when, how and where He wants. His sovereignty is expressed above all things and over all men. Mr Gérard De Coursiere was a famous fortune-teller to several African heads of State and many business men and women throughout the world. I was only fifteen when we met for the first time, in a restaurant owned by an uncle, where my sister worked. Quickly he made himself known to the restaurant clients practicing chiromancy in a very attractive manner and apparently many were amazed of his practice.

My sister run to me and brought me to the white man and him holding my left hand asked: "Where are your parents?“  I replied: just twelve miles from this town! He wanted to talk to them, but sister preferred to introduce him to my uncle, the owner of the restaurant. He asked to see him immediately; ignoring his intention we led him to my uncle’s office. After hours of conversation, my uncle visibly subdued under the power of the mysterious man, pleaded for me to accept the man’s proposition of adopting me as his son. In view my age and the situation of extreme poverty of my family, I found that this was an opportunity not to miss.

I took home his proposal without hesitation, with tears of joy and at the same time questions without answers sprang off my head. I was wondering: Who am I to deserve such a favor? Why me? How is it that a white fortune-teller could be interested in me? What has he discovered in my hands?  I thought this man was from God to offer me and family better life. To convince my parents, he promised to take good care of me. Finally, with his signature on a piece of paper, I was under his responsibility in all legality.

I therefore followed a person totally unknown to us, for an unknown destination, leaving my family in joy and doubt, because nobody knew what would be of my future. But, the fact that it was a white who had given his word reassured my parents because generally in Africa we believe, whites people fulfil always their promises. But this man never honoured his promises; we were always invited by African presidents, travelling from country to country and from hotel to hotel performing evil to maintain them in power. I was trained and initiated in astrology, chiromancy and all arts of fortunetelling. Being homosexual he was abusing me for more than 5 years. At the age of 19, I decided to be independent and that decision was not without consequences. I got what i was looking so for many years: to be free, free from Gerard de Courciere my so-called “father.”

At last, been “independent” I established my own fortunetelling office, in few weeks my service was demanded from all prominent and influence people of Conakry.   


JAC: How did you get saved?

TOGO: In June 2001, still in Guinea Conakry, I was invited by an influencial woman to perform a dangerous occult activity. It was during that evil performance, the Lord appeared to me.

It was a Friday around 9am, I discovered a Bible in the house where I was. When I opened that Bible, here are the words that I have read and which have tormented my mind: "Let no one be found among you interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spirits or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord you God." (Dt 18.10 -13). I was surprised and terrified of the fact that the Bible could contain such a truth describing my life. Immediately, a strange conviction of my state of damnation was revealed to me, and my conscience pitched against me as if an accuser spoke to me, for the first time in my life, about all my committed abominations. That day, I had wept bitterly, confessing all my sins.

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared unto me in the House and, because of the glamour, I found myself on the ground. A loud voice called: "Andre! Andre! Andre, today thou shalt know that you belong to Me! "  Upon hearing the voice, an intense heat began to burn me from the head to the feet. Oh My God! It was terrible! The time I came back to my senses, it was about 17:00pm. But, it was as if the entire scene took place in a fraction of second. It is difficult for me to describe this spectacle; I’ve run out of words. What I experienced changed completely my life, I knew from that day, I’ll never be the same person, being convinced of the fact, I immediately burned all my books of astrology and occult.

The very night I was told in a dream to go at specific place of the town where I would find a certain church named, “Ministère de la vie nouvelle, Église de Dieu en Christ.”  Meaning“New Life Ministries, Church Of God In Christ.” Early on Sunday morning as I drove to the place shown to me in the dream; I found a sign with the name of the very church. I was choked and as well afraid to get in the church, because I was convinced that something is going to happen again to me. Finally I walked in, went and sat at the back, expecting the next unusual experience with God. And two hours later the meeting started with a vibrant praise and worship with a joyful dancing church.

Though also excited, I was seated and carefully observing all movement. After all protocols observed, there came the time of preaching. I still remember, the Pastor preached on Acts 9 from 1 to 17; with the topic: “the chosen of the Lord.” While he was preaching I felt he was just talking to me and me alone, all his words full of grace and love were going straight to my heard and all my being. It was just wonderful something! On that day I have decided to be like the pastor, preaching and telling the world like Saul what the Lord did for me. I gave Him my life as a living sacrifice.

After his sermon, the pastor from the pulpit came straight to me and said: “my brother, you’re the Lord’s chosen.” And I answered him saying: if you only know what I’m going through these days! While narrating to the pastor my experience, a church member came to me and says: “visitor, are you interested to attend our annual convention at Freetown in Sierra Leone?” without hesitating I said yes.

To completely break the link with my past, the Lord led me to Freetown, where I was welcomed and trained at the "New Life Ministries Bible Institute and Church of God in Christ, (NLM-COGIC) under the General Overseer named, Reverend Jonathan Archibald Cole “Daddy”. At the end of my training in 2004, I came in Mali as an ordained Minister of the Gospel with the New Life Ministries.

I was a stranger to my own people, some could not believe that I’m now a man of God; I was persecuted and rejected by all relatives and friends. Being isolated, I was strengthened to fill my thirst of reaching a largest number of Muslims with the gospel. Knowing the nature of the battle, there was no doubt that it is through prayer only that this thirst could be quenched. I surrendered myself therefore interceding for my country, particularly for the Muslims in West Africa. It was in this atmosphere of prayer that the Lord gave me the vision of The Salvation Army in Mali.


JAC: How did you get sanctified?

TOGO: After giving my life to the Lord, I immediately understood by the peace in my soul and spirit, has saved and set me apart for his service. However, I didn't feel always been accepted by God and I begun to have doubts and uncertainties about my position in Christ. My progress and efforts do not seem obvious. And the peace in me was constantly troubled.

Till finally I understood through the epistles to the Romans, that what God has done in my life reliant not on me but on Jesus. Through sanctification I can become more and more pure and separate from the wrong in my behaviour, putting myself aside for God. I knew my Christian life begins by the sanctification of position, through the grace of God. Then, it is my responsibility to find a practical sanctification which brings me to be pure, separated from evil and resemble to Christ.


JAC: For those who haven’t yet heard this famous story, how did you get connected with the Salvation Army?

TOGO: It all began in October 2004. In the vision I had, I was with my mother under a big tree when, suddenly, we saw thousands of people dressed in white uniforms, each blowing a trumpet, and they were trying to surround our country (Mali). The sound coming out of their trumpets was saying: "peoples of the nations repent for we coming with the Good News of God’s Kingdom."

After having heard that, I said to my mother: These people must be Christians, but why are they as soldiers?  My mother said to me: "André, you have to join them, be like them and have to act with them.”  Being shocked by these words of my mother, I went back saying: Mom, how can you ask me to join them, to be like them and be with them when I do not even know them? I do not wear white clothes like them and I have no trumpet like them? It is impossible, Mom!'

She said: “My son don’t worry, only obey my order, go and join them, you will be like them and you will act like them.” From a halting step, I began going towards them to join the group. At this moment, somebody of the cohort saw me coming. He ceased playing his trumpet and made me a sign of hand encouraging me to join them quickly. I was really encouraged by his gesture and I advanced so quickly towards them.  He stopped playing his trumpet and gave me a hand sign encouraging me to join them quickly. I was really encouraged by his gesture and I advanced quickly towards them.

Just when I approached them, suddenly, I turned and saw that I had become like them, dressed in white, with a trumpet in hands. And this time with me in the group, we picked up our playing, giving the same message.

When I woke up, I just quickly understood that the Lord spoke to me. Without knowing exactly what was needed to be done, I abandoned myself in prayer, hoping to have the Lord assistance, before taking an action.  At first I thought the Lord was asking me to bring the gospel to the Malian Armed Forces in a special way. But while meditating deeply, I had a voice clearly instructing me to surf on the Internet, that I’ll find a clear answer to my dream. From Google search, by combining several words and phrases such as: "military evangelism; "Christian activists, Christian army, etc." I was surprised to discover a movement called “THE SALVATION ARMY “ whose members called “SOLDIERS “ wear “UNIFORM” , use the ”BAND” as a musical instrument, and the whole of this military organization exist for a single purpose: "THE SALVATION OF SOULS". I searched and read everything I could find on the internet concerning this Army.

I found it! The vision I had was probably divine! I told myself. But this Army is totally absent in my country. Then, I began to wonder: "Why do we not have this revolutionary movement to stimulate our Christianity? Why is it that since 1878, the Salvation Army came to existence and is almost everywhere in the world, but not in Mali?

At the time these questions boiled in my anxious soul, the answer seemed to indicate me as being pioneer in the establishment of this Army in Mali and west French-speaking countries, as it was shown to me in vision. And I was determined to do it that way regardless of the consequences, or the sacrifice it might cost me. I was certain that it was the Lord's will.

On October 30, 2004, I shared my experience with a certain Captain Stephen Court (now Major) in an application form for admission to the 'The War College of Vancouver' in Canada, which I had discovered on the internet during my research.I was accepted for the 2005-2007 session at The War College. Despite all steps undertaken about my trip, I could not secure a student visa for Canada. Without discouragement, Stephen linked me with the Regional Facilitation Team based in Nigeria.

February 26th to March 3rd 2006, this team led by Commissioner Stuart Mungate, Nigeria Territorial Commander (now retired) visited Mali for the first time.  We discussed the work of The Salvation Army, its structure, work methods, doctrine and mission. Back in Nigeria, Commissioner Stuart Mungate sent me basic textbooks concerning the training of recruits and soldiers. With these documents, I started the first class of recruits at Magnabougou, with about 30 recruits.  View to the quick expansion of work, Major Emmanuel Diakanwa Wante Mapanga, from the Territory of DRC was sent to Mali assisting me teaching the recruits. At the end of his stay, the Major wrote his report on the work started in Mali. In March 19, 2007, Commissioners Amos and Rosemary Makina (International Secretary for Africa and Zonal Secretary), the Commissioner Jean Ludiazo Bakidi (Nigeria Territorial Commander) and Colonel Dick Krommenhoek, (representative of the General concerning the missions), all came in Mali to palpate on ground the actual situation of the work, in order to inform the International Headquarters.

Following this mission, the International Headquarters decided to appoint the Majors Eugenes and Odile Dikal as Officers in charge of the freshly started work of The Salvation Army in Mali. On 26 February 2008 under the registration number 0036/MATCL-DNI the Malian government officially granted the Salvation Army the status of “a church”, which is exceptional in a Muslim dominated country. After being farewelled as the first Soldiers from Mali my wife and I were welcomed as Cadets  in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Territory for Officership in 2008. Upon completion of our training we were appointed to the Zimbabwe Territory, where we’re still serving.

I learned that whenever God gives receive a vision, people will try to persuade you that it is not from Him.  Satan will also try to convince you with troubles and opposition that God has not spoken to you.The thing we strongly believed on suddenly becomes uncertain and unsure. It takes only God’s grace and strong faith to regain our formal level of assurance.  I believe Joseph, Moses, Nehemiah and Paul, just to cite a few, went through the same opposition and Jealousy from family members, colleagues and friends. Now I know, claiming a divine promise or a specific revelation from God means struggles, rejection and opposition. “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus...”  Acts 20:24


JAC:  You are a married family man. Tell us about that.

TOGO: By the grace of God, I am a husband and father flourished. In His faithfulness the Lord gave me the desire of my heart regarding my wife and son. After my miraculous conversion in Guinea and pastoral training at New Life Bible Institute in Sierra Leone, all that was missing in the pursuit of my calling to serve God, was to marry a woman who shares the same spiritual values. I was aware that a poor choice of spouse could affect my call to serve God properly and to help me make this difficult choice my spiritual father "Daddy" has guaranteed to find one that best fits this criterion in his church. He formally discouraged me from thinking of marrying a Malian girl, because according to him I would never find a Christian woman in Mali because of the small number of Christians in this country that is 98% Muslim.

In agreement with Daddy, I began to conquer a soul mate among the young ladies of the church, of which I was an ordained minister. It was then that my choice when on a girl named Elizabeth Cole, sister to “Daddy." Procedure of our engagement was quickly arranged and I was immediately sent to Mali to start the ministry.

Once in Mali, convinced that she would join me for the celebration of our wedding, I hung around my apartment pictures of her, to serve the members of my church as their pastor that I had a fiancé and I was not single.

A few months later, to my great disappointment, “Daddy” told me that my fiancé was not ready for wedding so soon, she plans to undertake studies of law, which may at least five years duration . He advised me to forget about her and he is looking for another. It took me months to forget this adventure.

Meanwhile fully invested by the Lord's work, I devoted all my time in teaching the Word of God and evangelism.  In 2006, I was invited to preach at the Protestant Evangelical Church of Hadallaye (Bamako) . Before an audience of over 1,000, as I saw a circle of light around a young girl among many others and a voice said “this girl will be your wife.”

After having delivered my sermon, I was taking to the office of the Pastor. I did not know what to do or say, because it was impossible to know who this girl was and besides, I’d never seen her before. That day, I chose not to say anything to the Pastor of the church, just not to appear ridiculous. Because it happened very quickly and I would not be able to identify the girl in question if the pastor asked me.

Once home, I prayed, Lord, if it is you who have chosen this girl for me, allows me to meet her again. The next morning, impressed by the message preached, the assistant pastor came to share with me his friendship and his desire to work with me and at the same time he invited me to his upcoming wedding scheduled in the same church. It was an emotional moment, one hand I was very happy for him, but the other sad for myself. With a nod towards fingering photo of Elisabeth still hanging on the wall, I said: it is her I was about to marry, but at the last minute she preferred to study than to marry me. He replied  saying, ''when you preached yesterday, the Lord showed me a girl on fire in the church that I know personally named Fatouma Dougnon , She is an academic and studied civil law.'' So I told him about my experience of seeing a girl with a circle of light. The assistant pastor replied, "It should be about the same girl, because the Lord never contradicted, moreover, when you come to my wedding I would show you the girl I’m talking about." After have prayed together, he went away.

One week later, I attended the funeral of the mother of the senior pastor from the same church. For those who know West Africa, especially Mali, popular means of transportation is motorcycles. That day there was a multitude of motorcycles in parking cemetery. To my surprise, after the funeral I found this very girl sitting on my bike with her female friend to the parking lot. In front of her, I said, the bike on which you’re sited is mine and she immediately got up saying, ''I'm sorry, Pastor I did not know it was yours.” The same voice said to me: ''Is it not an opportunity for you to ask her name'' Without hesitation I asked he: Mademoiselle, could I know your name? She replied: ''Nana Fatouma Dougnon.” Thank God, bless you, I said with a big smile.

After having recovered my bike, I was a man filled with joy. Once again the Lord has done a miracle in my life. It's true it was the same girl that I saw in the church that the Lord revealed to the Assistant Pastor. To top it in beauty , when I came to the wedding of the assistant pastor, he went to the girl and led her me saying: ''Here , this is the girl I told you, she is called Nana Fatouma Dougnon.'' I said, you're right, we met already.

A year later, May 5, 2007, we got married in the same church where I saw her for the first time.

Many Christians limit God in their lives, believing that He cannot offer them what they desire. The Bible says, “delight in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart." In my case, I trusted my spiritual father instead of believing the world.


JAC: What languages do you speak?

TOGO: I speak: French, English, Creole, Dogon, Bambara, Malinke, Sousou, Lingala, Dioula and now learning Shona.  It is important to note that I spoke English overnight, exactly as describe in Acts chapter 2 verses 4. Because of time I’ll not be able to explain it here.


JAC: What are the challenges of fighting the salvation war in a different culture?

TOGO: Our mandate to preach the Gospel everywhere in the world does not leave us the choice to remain in our comfort zone. As always the one who announces the gospel and lives by this message is in the grip of the enemy, in permanent conflict with relatives and persecution on the part of those for which we had chosen to suffer in order to save those who can be.

One of the main challenges we’re still facing in this fight is syncretism among those so-called Christian countries, due to cultural beliefs and structures. Cultures are different and varied especially in Africa. In order to approach these various realities and situations of various people, with the salvation war, in addition to our qualities (as preachers), the strategies which enable us always (my wife and me) to penetrate in the communities, are be identified with people and to be integrated in their community. The example of Paul in1 Corinthians 9:19-27 inspire us. It is summarized in three words, namely: adaptability; suppleness; flexibility.


JAC: What are some of the best things God is doing and has done in your midst?

TOGO: This an amazing question! They are so many and all best things that it is difficult to mention few and leave the others.  David says: many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare. We just repeat as David says:  not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of your LOVE and FAITHFULNESS. Only His love and faithfulness can explain it. 


JAC: You have written a few books. Tell non-French readers about them, please.


1.         Pourquoi dois-je donner? (why should I give): a meditation on offerings and tithing

2.         J’ai gaspillé ma vie (I wasted my life): a collection of mediations guiding to young people to learn from life mistakes. 

3.         Quand Dieu appelle (when God calls): a book narrating my life.

4.         Decouver l’Armee du Salut (Discover The Salvation Army): starting of work in Mali; presenting to non-Salvationists the history, structures, doctrines and ways of the Salvation Army.

5.         Les batisseurs (community builders): a help manual for God's servants working as facilitator of socio-economic development in the communities

6.         Standing on God’s ground: a motivational book (I’m still working on, it is in English)


JAC: What one thing about God and His ways, if embraced, would/ will make the biggest impact in our lives and warfare?

TOGO: I believe our submissionto His ways of doing things, if embraced and understood will make the biggest impact not only in our lives and warfare but also will transform the world we’re tirelessly claiming for Jesus.  We have been doing are own things for long as Martha and wanting the Lord’s approval on them. It is now high time to appropriate His new ways in this changing era to impact our generation.


JAC: You have lived amongst extreme poverty, war, and some oppression from a dominant world religion- what are the difficulties of following Jesus in this context?

TOGO: This remind me of my arrival in Sierra Leone (Freetown) just before the formal cessation of the civil war in January 2002. This civil war has caused approximately 120,000 deaths. Several thousands of people have been intentionally mutilated, notably by the amputation of hands to keep them out of work and particularly to vote. More than 2 and a half million people (one third of the population) were displaced, caused by an armed group is called RUF (Revolutionary United Front), with its head Foday Sankoh.

At the head of a team of evangelization, we visited a camp of mutilated for the good news. But soon we were driven out of the camp by occupants in anger against us; here's what they said: ''We do not want to hear about your Jesus, where was He when the rebels were burning our homes, raped, killed our women and children. Look here all we had no hands or feet! Where was your Jesus? 

That day, we did not resist them. These people blame God for their spells. They did not want to hear about God. Not knowing how to reach them, the Lord inspired us to change the name of the camp “Amputed camp" to "restoration camp." We approached the camp manager, with our intention to change the name of camp, which was a reminder of the bad memories of their past. This was the entry door and over 100 amputees have given their lives to the Lord. It was not an easy task but the Lord in His faithfulness honored His word of love and grace that we preached.


JAC: What are your expectations of The Salvation Army?

TOGO: They are not different from what the Lord raised it for. We all believe that God raised The Salvation to meet the suffering humanity needs and bring their souls to Jesus. Even after many years of existence, this purpose should not change.  I’m expecting the Army to be rooted in mission and mission focus, using our uniqueness as divine privilege and opportunity to fulfil its mission. I’m expecting the Army to make use of the spirit of internationalism as a way of sharing and learning from different territories and centers within the Army, in order to reinforce or change some of our war strategies.


JAC: Who are your heroes? (why?)

TOGO: The retired commissioner Sadrac Diakanua from Democratic Republic of Territory and the retired Commissioners Hope and Stuart Mungate from Zimbabwe Territory. Those people are living testimonies and real servants of God. They taught me how to love my oppressors, to serve God in all humility facing challenges and opposition from their lives’ examples.     


JAC: What books have influenced you? (why?)

TOGO: Obviously none can stand the Bible influence in my life. However, “The Spiritual Man” of Watchman nee; “Experiencing God” of Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King and Samuel Logan Brengle’s books played key role in my spiritual growth.


JAC: General Cox has invited youth to answer questions by video to him. While this is not video and you aren’t ‘youth’ anymore, what would you want him to know?

TOGO:  First, I would want him to know that he is not alone in bearing the heavy responsibility of leading the worldwide Army as General, but that there are millions of Salvationists, officers and the Army lovers around the world praying and support him in this task of his.

Secondly, I would want him to listen only God and godly people in making decisions who could promote the one Army, one message and one mission vision of the retired General Linda Bond that he has decided to continue with. 

Thirdly, identify and appoint called, anointed, sanctified, potential and visionary officers around the world no matter their ages or rank to leadership positions in the Army structures. 

Last but not the least, I would want the General to use informal training centers’ experience and success in recruits potential candidates for Officership such as The War College, through which I was brought to The Salvation Army.


JAC: If you could speak directly to Salvationists around the world, what would you say?

TOGO: We’re all part of a God raised movement of Salvation around the world, enrolled under blood and fire to invade the world for Jesus. When God invests in someone He trusts him, gives him His power and assures him protection. Are you that man or woman that God has found that He has chosen as a Salvationist? If so, you are not alone in the fight; the Chief of the Army promised His presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Rise up, be on fire to win world for Jesus. God bless you all!








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