Editorial Introduction
Editor, Major
Stephen Court
Greetings in Jesus’ name.
Mercy and peace to you from God our Father.
I trust the battle progresses well on your front.
Welcome to the 82nd issue of Journal of Aggressive
Christianity – JAC82.
We have a great mix again this edition of JAC including some
new names as well as some veteran contributors.
Here's a JAC scoop to the world.
Lieut-Colonel Eddie Hobgood is organising the 150th
anniversary international congress in London in 2015.
This presentation - Boundless - introduces the theme to
the world.
Major Ron Millar (DC in
and two-time Training Principal) has a lengthy piece that
looks into Wesley’s Wholistic Holiness and Its Social
Captain Michael Ramsay (CO in
Canada) continues on one of
his favourite subjects – covenant – with Women, Men, and the
Rock Climber’s Rope.
Soldier Erin Wikle is pioneering a corps in USA and reminds us that Without
Vision The People Perish.
Major Howard Webber (UKI evangelist specialist) completes his
three-part JAC series with Repent And Do The Works You Did At
Soldier Tina Laforce was led to speak boldly at a funeral
And it worked.
Commissioner Wesley Harris considers church growth from the
vertical perspective in Grow Up.
We’ve collected some testimonies of people involved in raising
the dead back to life and some biblical situations that might
build faith and provide context for participating, in
Dead-Raising Prayers.
Soldier Aaron White (leads 614
Vancouver) writes the globally popular
salvo Cell Talks curriculum and here is his commentary on
James 5:1-6 called Warning The Rich (to sign up and receive
the free cell talks contact the JAC editor).
Soldier Morten Andersen (Denmark)
wrote a reflection On Incarnation at the end of his experience
at The War College in
Here it is.
Five years later the questioner gets questioned as the
interview schedule used in JAC46 gets applied to the editor of
JAC in Soldier Interview.
Commissioner Wesley Harris comments on General Bond’s ONE ARMY
emphasis in Each For All And All For Each.
May God use the contents to edify and stimulate and challenge
and prod. Share
them widely and generously.
Apply them liberally.
God bless The Salvation Army.