Major Stephen Court
Greetings in
Jesus’ name! Mercy
and peace to you from God our Father.
I trust the battle
progresses well on your front.
Thanks for
dropping by JAC70.
You have stumbling onto a goldmine of edifying, challenging
material in this issue and the 69 issues archived and
available for free on the table of contents page.
The Raders kick
off this issue with a primary document. TRANSFORMATIONS was
delivered this year in cities across the Australia Southern
Territory at the McPherson Lecture Series.
It is privilege to read ‘Rader thoughts’ at any time,
and this substantial lecture is certain to challenge and
Major Howard
Webber’s book, MEETING JESUS, is selling all over the place.
You will want to read it.
THE MAIN THING is the second of two excerpts he’s
blessed JAC with.
This is great material to inform evangelism.
Munn, the principal of the
for Officers, offers us the second primary document of this
issue, with HOLINESS MOVEMENT – TIME TO BE HOLY, a lecture
delivered this year to the international youth holiness
institute of that name at ICO.
Captain Michael
Ramsay’s brand new book PRAISE THE LORD FOR COVENANTS is
filling a need in Salvation Army praxis.
But he proves that this new book is not the last word
on the subject by contributing A VERY MOVING COVENANT that
will be of special interest to one important contingent of
soldiers around the world.
Jonathan Evans
leads The War College in
And it is out of years of experience that he offers an
More than a
century ago one Salvationist wrote A NOTE OF WARNING in
Contemporary Review (1898).
Read J Hollins’s piece here.
Though there is much with which to disagree, there is
much about which to debate for Salvationists today.
General William
Booth provides another century-old article for JAC70, with the
second in a three-part series called A HIGHER UP RELIGION.
Our regular
columnist, Commissioner Wesley Harris, who, by the way, has
his tenth book coming out soon, advises us, IF AT FIRST YOU
And, since there
is a High Council meeting during the shelf life of this issue,
we offer some suggestions for those gathering to prayerfully
consider and discuss.
And, that’s that!
JAC70! What
a treasure chest!
Dig in. Share it
with your friends, your comrade soldiers, your facebook
friends, and anyone else you think might be interested in the
This is a historic
issue. By the time
the next issue arrives on your screen (scheduled for February
1, 2011, unless Jesus returns first), the whole Salvation Army
will have been mobilized and deployed in day and night cry for
justice – non-stop prayer in response to the bold Global Call
from the General.
All glory to God for the Call, and in anticipation of our
God bless The
Salvation Army.