JAC Online

Editorial Introduction
by Major Stephen Court



Welcome to the milestone JAC150 - the 150th edition of Journal of Aggressive Christianity. 


The rules for JAC150, as outlined in the invitation sent out into the salvosphere, were to complete the thought that begins 'From here...' in 400 words. As normal, the parameters are provocative, orthodox, edifying.


Respondents took very different, creative approaches to this challenge, and we are all the better for it.  All of the entries are called 'From here...'


Captain Christine Tursi, Corps Officer, Hanover, Germany, reads 'From Here...' as the start of an answer to a question and goes on to riff on incarnation and mission.


Captain Nana Fatouma Togo is Secretary for Women's Ministries in Mali and Burkina Faso Region, and she uses the phrase to lead off a declaration of faith commitment.


Major Terry Shaffer, Territorial Pastoral Care Officer-New Jersey Division, uses 'From Here...' as a refrain of appreciation for the movement's past and advocacy for its potential future.


Colonel Ian Barr, theologian, in 'Love And Home', plainly gives his take from the perspective of his corps in the United Kingdom.


Commissioner Joe Noland, entrepreneur and author, spins off the eponymous 1953 classic film ('... To Eternity'). 


Commissioner Jim Knaggs, apostle, leverages 'From Here...' into an exhortation toward the possibilities that change could create for us as a movement to accomplish mission.


Major Don Grad, advancing the great commission in the Prairies, offers 'From Here...To Spiritual Warfare' as a potential corrective to organisational trends.


Your JAC editor does a little phrase study, digging around for gems.


And, wrapping it JAC150 up, Colonel Richard Munn, current SA Connects contributor, answers the challenge with, 'From Here... We Can See The End Of The World', dipping into his bag for a Greek phrase, a New Yorker Magazine cover, and three Bible texts to craft a great commission salutation.


JAC started in the last century, and JAC150 is a celebration of a quarter century in free online publication.  Hallelujah.  JAC is published every two months (hat tip Major Don Grad, who arranges the publishing and manages the archives).  We're grateful to the contributors over the past 150 editions - this issue from Germany, Mali, USA East, USA West, UKI, and Canada.  And we're grateful for the readers through this century, who come from cities and countries dotting the globe.  Hallelujah. 


May God bless each of you, and may JAC150 spur us all on to love and good deeds, accelerating the advance of the great commission so that God's dream that none perish but all come to repentance is realised. 












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