JAC Online

Editorial Introduction
by Major Stephen Court, editor

Welcome to the 149 issue of Journal of Aggressive Christianity.  We're blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ to present the following articles for your edification.  Our JAC149 contributors are Captain Christine Tursi (Germany), Major Wayne Ennis (Australia), and Steve Bussey (USA). 


Captain Christine Tursi kicks off JAC149 with Love A Little Harder.  Written to celebrate European Anti-Trafficking Day, Tursi sits in the tension of need and capacity and invites us in to the experience.


Steve Bussey follows with What Is Holiness And Why Should We Even Care?  And he riffs on pure love, totally loving God and totally loving all people. 


Bussey continues with a consideration of 'Richard Watson On MY Truth'.  This will be revelatory and possibly uncomfortable for some who are saturated in the predominant culture.


Major Wayne Ennis shares some thoughts regarding the 'Power Of Symbols' related to the movement where he lives and fights.  It is a warning call of a potential future that readers around the world can prayerfully consider.


Finally, in 'Strategos', Steve Bussey breaks down the effective strategy of General William Booth and shows us how it can influence our war-fighting today.


JAC149 contents, when prayed and applied, can accelerate the advance of the salvation war before JAC150 is even due (should Jesus tarry).  If you are up to speed on JAC149, feel free to share widely, and then review JAC001-148.  And, stay close to Jesus.


Much grace.











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