JAC Online

Editorial Introduction
by Major Stephen Court, Editor


Greetings in the name of our great God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to JAC146 - the 146th issue of Journal of Aggressive Christianity.  This is a short issue with a theme that will emerge naturally to you, the careful reader.


We lead off JAC146 with a 'JAC First Person' feature, a testimony called Identity by Tara Foster, a soldier in Canada.  This will be enlightening to some and liberating to others.


Envoy Steve Bussey, territorial mission strategist in USE territory, follows with a 'Denominational' breakdown, clarifying for casual readers and casual 'salvos' what we are and what we aren't. 


And then we've got a little feature updating General William Booth's Chief Dangers of the last century.  Here's some context: 


This is a day in which influential voices among the people of God in western society have publicly expressed personal doubts about their faith, questioned time-honoured beliefs, and even renounced Christianity.  The trendy deconstruction of our theology has reached a critical inflection point.  Some are decidedly pessimistic about Kingdom prospects in the developed world in light of cultural moral declension.


But Salvationists have always been missionally optimistic.  Though not official doctrine, primitive Salvationists, following the Founders, were confirmed post-millennialists, believing that their movement would inaugurate the millennium!


At the turn of the last century (1900), in response to a query about his perspective on the future and the Gospel, William Booth opined:


“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.”[1]

It’s a huge prophecy, one that has straddled a couple of centuries now.  And it has proven true.  We're going to add a few more dangers for a new century in JAC146.  These are far from exhaustive, but might get our thinking hats on and our prayer knee pads on.  They are;


Friendship Without Evangelism


Conversion Without Discipleship


Professionalization Without Democratization


Read, pray, share, apply.  And if you finish before Jesus returns and before the next JAC issue, then feel free to plunge into the free archives, 145 issues' worth.


Courage and Godspeed!



[1] We should emphasize here that Booth was, as a futurist, an extreme optimist.  His landmark article ‘The Millenium’ sets the tone for those convictions (http://armybarmy.com/JAC/article3-120.html).  The context of the statement is as follows:

“What is the chief danger, social or political, confronting the new century?”

“In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.”

The reference for the quote is The Homiletic Review, Volume 44. Funk and Wagnalls. 1902.  It originally appeared in The Christian Budget (in England) in response to the question, “What is the chief danger, social or political, confronting the new century?” (apparently in 1900)










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