Be a Hero


BE A HERO is a campaigned championed by General Eva Burrows worldwide for The Salvation Army, and coordinated outside The Army by, aiming to raise up 10,000 heroes for children-at-risk.

To date many have responded and much has been done to help. You can join. We've defined heroes as those who:

1. Pray the Bible
2. Sponsor a Child
3. Start a Children's Home
4. Advocate for the Marginalized
5. Take a Hero Holiday

1. Pray the Bible.

We're all about praying the Bible, a habit popularized in this generation by Stacey and Wesley Campbell. Why? The Bible tells the story of a God who epitomizes transformative love for the oppressed. Prayer glorifies God, disciples our own hearts, and brings about His will on earth. Prayer is the fuel of all spiritually revolutionary activity.

The best way to pray is to pray the Bible.

William Booth said, "The Bible is 'God's heart on paper'." So when you pray the Bible you are praying God's heart back to Him.

If personal prayer bores you to tears, you are not alone. Well, we've got a solution. Pray the Bible out loud to God! We didn't make this up. For thousands of years people have been growing close to God through this habit. They used to say about to David, "you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night" (Psalm 1:2 Message).

The original word for 'chew' is hagah, which means: roaring or growling over prey (see Isaiah 31:4); we growl like bears and moan like doves (see Isaiah 59:11); and mediums and spiritists whisper and mutter (see Isaiah 8:19). This chewing on Scripture is a verbal, audible activity. Worshippers would chant the Law in sing-song fashion, creating an ancient form of Hebrew hip hop. This is the sound of Biblical chewing.

So that is how the Jews prayed the law (the earliest version of the Bible), day and night, from way back in Moses' era. And that is how you learn to pray- by praying. If you don't show up, you don't learn. By David's era, it was a routine. "I call to God. God will help me. At dusk, dawn, and noon, I sigh deep sighs- He hears, He rescues" (Isaiah 55:16,17 The Message).

Later on, Ezra established 18 benedictions, coupled with Scripture readings, over three set hours of prayer at the temple, synagogue, and home. Every righteous Jew, including Jesus, observed this daily custom. Once you make this a habit in your life- praying the Bible out loud to God daily- you will be transformed. The habit will fuel the revolution (for more information, visit or read the book BE A HERO, which you can get from the eStore at

2. Sponsor a Child.

James 1:27 says that,
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. (The Message)

James is on about widows and orphans specifically.

Today in many lands there are millions of homeless and orphaned children, as well as myriads of options for sponsoring a child. In Sub-Sahara Africa the percentage of orphans is now a staggering 10%; one in every ten children is an orphan!

Now, we're not all loaded. You might not even have a job. No pressure from us. Well, maybe a little. You can sponsor a child. Yes, you. How about giving up the daily slushie at 7-11? That would do it.

For about a slushie a day you can sponsor a child every month. The Salvation Army has excellent sponsorship programmes around the world and all the money goes overseas. Contact your local Salvation Army to find out more.

3. Start a Children's Home.

Isaiah (59:7) records God's idea of a great fast:
What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. (The Message)

God is clear. Take the homeless poor into your home. Now, there are two ways to do that. One is to invite the homeless poor in your neighbourhood into your home. Excellent. God bless you. But the reality is that there are millions more homeless poor in the developing world, far from where you live, who also need an invitation. It is too expensive to invite them all over to the West for a visit. So, the other way is to build a home for them over there.

Now, the good thing is that costs are much lower over there than here. Why not pull together your cell group or your youth group or your class or your church and scare up $5,000 for such a project. Again, we can hook you up with a recognized charity to make it happen. Contact us at

4. Advocate for the Marginalized.

God looked at Israel and was astonished because He couldn't find one person with the guts to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30). No one would stand up for the poor, the orphan, and the widow. There was no one like Job who, "was known for helping people in trouble and standing up for those who were down on their luck" (Job 29:12. The Message).

Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and-outers. Speak out for justice! Stand up for the poor and destitute! (Proverbs 31:8-9. The Message)

We've been preaching this all over the world and people are listening. In one Salvation Army conference in Australia, the response was so passionate that the youth started a grassroots movement called The Salvation Army Justice Wing. They mobilize to demonstrate, protest, petition, pray, write letters, make a difference. And that model has been copied elsewhere in the world. Maybe God is stirring up some ideas in you.

When William Booth wandered under a London bridge on the way home one night in the 19th century, he was shocked by the number of homeless people huddled in the modest shelter from the elements. He asked his son if he knew about their plight. Bramwell admitted that he did and was soundly rebuked and exhorted by his father, "Go and do something!"

That is Christian advocacy in a nutshell. See the pain of the world, and then "Go and do something!" Here are two options: (see the Genocide Awareness Project pages) and The Salvation Army Justice Wing (in Australia contact ; in Canada, contact

5. Take a Hero Holiday.

Go and visit "the orphan and the widow in their distress (James 1:27)."

Sign up with a missions organization. Go with your congregation. Go and see and smell life on the other side. It will transform your life.

Go on a holiday to a developing nation and give your time to be a hero in the lives of others. Relieve some workers who are tired and burned out. Go hug babies, go and work amongst the poor. Again, we can hook you up with some groups.

Look, God takes the plight of the oppressed and impoverished seriously. Make a difference. There is a whole movement involved in this endeavour. If you're in The Army, contact your Divisional Youth Secretary for details (Be A Hero notes excerpted from REVOLUTION, available at eStore).

So, there you have it. You can be part of a revolutionary army God is raising up to change the face of the earth and lives of children-at-risk.







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