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10 Things That Make Me Missionally Hopeful
(only #1 is listed by importance)

by Major Rob Birks


10. Retired Army leaders, like General Paul & Commissioner Kay Rader, Commissioner Bill Francis, Commissioner Phil Needham and others, who love God deeply and desire The Salvation Army to fall deeper in love with Him and with those in the world for which He sent Jesus (everyone).


9. The ever-expanding number of countries where Salvationists are sent to serve and to save.


8. The budding emphasis (at least in the Western world) on creating communities of Salvationists focused on loving God & loving OTHERS in all kinds of ways.


7. Financial difficulties which may necessitate that we eschew everything that is not mission-critical.


6. Increasingly, Salvationists are most interested in living the mission of our movement, as opposed to maintaining and/or protecting what we currently have & know.


5. Partnerships.


4. Younger Salvationists who are disinterested in becoming expert mechanics for our movement’s machinery.


3. INFINITUM (infinitumlife.com) and the renewed interest in all things discipleship.


2. The awareness that women and other historically mistreated and marginalized people must be treated justly and hold key leadership roles in our small part of God’s Kingdom.


And the number one reason I am missionally hopeful (sometimes against all hope)...


1. JESUS! - His redemptive plan for all creation and the fact that He invites us, all of us, to be junior partners.










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