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Secret Sauce
Book Excerpt: ‘Secret Sauce’,
by Major Terence Hale
from the forthcoming book, GRANDEST

“’Because He lives, I WILL LIVE.’ I will live for God alone. I will not tolerate anything of death in me or about me another hour. I will choose life – life only – divine life.”[i]

George Scott Railton


“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.”

Peter the Apostle




George Scott Railton was a driven man, as you have heard us say already. He was in many ways, a man unto himself, similar in ways to great revivalists better known to history. But in other ways he was unique, standing out amongst his peers, and in some ways ahead of his time. We have talked about the factors that contributed to this; his vitality, his faith, his aggressive spirit, his ability to deal with failure and disappointment, and his commitment to community, to name a few.


Now, as we bring our journey through the ‘grandest’, ‘merriest’, strangest’ life to a close encounter, one last attribute of Railton’s life that is really a summary of all the rest, and perhaps the best descriptor of what empowered his unique and profound life. A life, by now, we hope we all want to emulate in some way.


Railton discovered in his life the power of Godliness. It was Railton’s belief and experience, along with many other early Salvationists, that there was power and freedom in a life of surrender.


Freedom through surrender; this may be the ‘Strangest’ idea yet. However, the power of this paradox was real for Railton and remains for us today though it is not too popular. To be fair to the present day, I don’t think the idea of surrender has been popular in any point in human history. But the truth remains that there is amazing power and freedom found in a life of surrender; a life surrendered to God.


It was surrender that gave Railton the freedom and power to do, accomplish, and overcome, all he did. This was Railton’s secret sauce if you will. What he experienced and what we would offer for your consideration is that when we come into a personal relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ His Son, when we surrender to Him, we find that we are offered all the necessary power and means to live a triumphant life.


The Bible says, “His [God’s] divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.”[ii] It is not always that life becomes easier or less challenging but more so that we have a new power source, one independent of our humanness, to help us overcome the challenges that life brings to us. This is the power of Godliness that comes through surrender.


There are many different words or phrases used to describe this concept: Godliness, Christlikeness, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Sanctification, Anointing, Second Blessing, Perfect Love, and Holiness to name a few. But I want to offer a description that will hopefully help us make practical application of the concept. The power of Godliness in this ‘grandest’, ‘merriest’, strangest’ life that we are exploring is about being recklessly engaged in a radical relationship with Jesus.[iii]


If you have taken seriously all that we have discussed so far then throwing caution to the wind and surrendering your life to Jesus and going full out in living for Him, in the power He provides, may be the missing piece. This might be your secret sauce as well. To be honest, most of what we have talked about in this book is impossible to achieve outside the power of Godliness at work in your life.


Let’s break this down a little further. Recklessly engaged.


Suggesting someone be reckless at anything doesn’t seem like the best counsel at first glance, I admit. But like the freedom through surrender, we are aiming for the strangest kind of life at this point. At the same time, - and I don’t write these words lightly, -  the only thing I would, in good faith, recommend to you to be reckless about is the degree and fervour with which you engage with Jesus; that and perhaps binge watching The Office.


To act reckless(ly) means to take action without caring about the consequences. Godliness requires reckless engagement because there is so much around us slowing us down and thwarting us from thriving in life by nagging us about consequences.


I hope you know what I mean: If you believe in Jesus, people will think you have lost it. If you forgive that person, people will think you are weak. If you try and make that change or give up that habit, you might fail, and everyone will know it. If you cut off those bad relationships or influences, you might end up alone. If you go full in, people might judge you. If you… If you… If you…


The only way to get over the ‘what ifs’ is to fully trust. In this world, fully trusting is definitely reckless, unless that trust is put in the right place.


Radical relationship. It would be very hard to engage recklessly and not be considered a radical. Really, it is an unhindered engagement that allows you to live radically. To be radical means to experience and advocate for fundamental change in people and or systems.


So, when we set out to be in a radical relationship, we are saying that this relationship is unlike any other in our lives and that the outcome of that relationship is fundamental change and transformation. A radical relationship is one that goes deeper, further, and beyond any other relationship in your life, in the past or present.


But in addition to being something you haven’t quite experienced before, it also brings about transformation in your life and in your world around you. When was the last time you had a relationship like that? Railton’s secret sauce is comprised of such things.


With Jesus. As you may have come to expect by now this is the secret of the secret sauce. Railton discovered that being sold out to his relationship with Jesus empowered him to live the ‘grandest’, merriest’, ‘strangest’ life. If we are honest with ourselves, we realize that we are all sold out to something, even if it is ‘not being sold out to something.’


So, if you are going to strive to radical and sometimes reckless living, why not do that with Jesus and get a good return for your investment. I’m serious -, why not try Jesus? What do you have to lose?


A couple hundred years ago, Blaise Pascal, a mathematician and philosopher, developed what is known as ‘Pascal’s Wager’. Here’s the gist in case you are not familiar:


He said that the best thing we could do in life was believe in and follow Jesus, and this is why: If we sell out to Jesus and it turns out the whole Jesus thing is a fake and when we die, we simply cease to exist, what have we really lost? We lived an exciting life, tried to make a difference in the world, and had a purpose. But if we sell out to Jesus and it turns out that it is all true then not only do we get to live the ‘grandest’ kind of purpose filled and connected life, but when we die we get eternal life to boot.


Railton said that, “perhaps the grandest sight in the universe is that of a weak human being quietly defying earth and hell in the strength of Jehovah.”[iv] That could be my story, that could be your story. The strangest kind of life will inevitably lead to strange decisions and strange actions like choosing to surrender to find freedom and getting recklessly engaged in a radical relationship. But the outcome is a life that strikes repeatedly at the heart of transformation and ripples outward inviting change in its wake. That is the power of Godliness.


Bring on the secret sauce!





[i] John D. Waldron. GSR. p56., Pg. 56


[ii] 2 Peter 1:3.


[iii] In explaining the experience of sanctification William Booth stressed that it involved three things: 1. Full deliverance from all known sin; 2. The consecration of every power and possession to God and His work; and 3. Constant and uniform obedience to all the requirements of God. (John Larsson. Spiritual Breakthrough. p52.) It is hoped that one can see the correlation between these two descriptions.


[iv] John D.GSR, Waldron. GSR. p57, 57.










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