JAC Online

Day 1: Follow Jesus

Reading: Matthew 19: 16-22  (The Voice)


16 Then a young man came up to Jesus.

Young Man: Teacher, what good deed can I do to assure myself eternal life?


Jesus: 17 Strange that you should ask Me what is good. There is only One who is good. If you want to participate in His divine life, obey the Commandments.


Young Man: 18 Which Commandments in particular?

Jesus: Well, to begin with, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony,


19 honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.


Young Man: 20 I’ve kept those Commandments faithfully. What else do I need to do?


Jesus: 21 If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give all your money to the poor; then you will have treasure in heaven. And then come, follow Me.


22 The young man went away sad because he was very wealthy indeed.


Jesus, in response to the teenager’s query, instructs him to get rid of all of his earthly entanglements and, in His own words, ‘follow Me’.  To follow Jesus is the fundamental responsibility and purpose and opportunity of every single person who ever lived.  It isn’t to go to meetings on a Sunday morning, to join a church, to undergo certain traditional rituals, to abide a list of ‘do’s and don’ts’, or to hold particular political views.  It is to follow Jesus. 


And to follow Jesus has significant implications.  First, we don’t get to go wherever we want.  Jesus sets the agenda.  He heads to the destination of His choice.  We don’t seem to have any ‘say’ in it.  We follow Him.  The upside on this one is that when we follow Jesus, we end up in the same destination as Jesus. 


Second, the movement of following Jesus implies that we leave some things behind.  What we broadly labelled ‘earthly entanglements’ for the rich teenager meant all of his possessions.  For you those ‘earthly entanglements’ might mean worldviews or postures or sinful habits or some combination of these and his obstacles.


Third, it implies relationship.  We’re not following a set of rules or a philosophy – something inanimate.  We are invited by Jesus to follow Him.  Yes, He was crucified on the Cross for our sins (yours and mine).  But on the third day He conquered sin and death, defeating the devil, rising again, ascending to heaven, where He now lives, and more than lives, reigns in anticipation of His triumphant return.  He’s alive.  And while you may have heard a Christian phrase about ‘asking Jesus into my life’, Jesus is inviting this rich teen into HIS life.  And He makes the same invitation to us. 


Play that one out for a moment.  We follow Him, part of His life, engaging with Him in the most adventurous, abundant experience in the universe! 


You’d think that’d be the easiest ‘sell’ on the planet.  You’d think that people would automatically buy in to that deal.  But, of course, not everyone can imagine how amazing that experience will be.  And some are infatuated with the ‘earthly entanglements’ we alluded to above.  And, like the rich teenager, they choose the status quo. 


If you’re at that juncture in your life, looking to decide, like the rich teenager, whether to go all in with Jesus or to continue with the status quo, we urge you to accept Jesus’ invitation into His life.  Yes, it will cost you everything.  But what a bargain that will be! 


For those who are just starting out in following Jesus, we’ve found the simple way of life we introduced at the beginning of Day 1 – Infinitum (Latin for ‘boundless’, alluding to the boundless love of Jesus) – is an excellent scaffolding around this ‘new creation’ that God is crafting in us.  You might want to try it out.












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